[RC] Multi-Race Rank Themes mod AKA Ranking Sets (1.3.6)

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Re: [Beta] Multi-race rank set mod AKA Ranking Themes (0.1.3)

Post by farolo »

My problem is that it always shows in viewtopic and memberlist the Theme by defect. I have verified the data base and the table user_rank_theme if that is modified when change of theme from the user profile. It excuses my English again.
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Re: [Beta] Multi-race rank set mod AKA Ranking Themes (0.1.3)

Post by IBBoard »

If you're sure the user_rank_theme column of the member table is being updated then it sounds like your site isn't using the new code in include/functions_display.php.

If it's not that then the other obvious thing I can think of is that you have the themes, but that everything except the default theme is private. If it is then I've got a bug because you shouldn't see it in the list, but I know it is designed to fall back to the default theme if it can't find the one specified by the user. The code seems to ignore private themes though (as it should) so it shouldn't be that.

Have you tried a clean install?
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Re: [Beta] Multi-race rank set mod AKA Ranking Themes (0.1.3)

Post by farolo »

My include/functions_display.php this correctly modified so and as describes the MOD.
Tip: This may be a partial find and not the whole line.

Code: Select All
if (!empty($ranks['normal']))
Replace With
Tip: Replace the preceding line(s) to find with the following lines.

Code: Select All
//Multi-rank theme: find our theme, defaulting to theme 1 if the user chose an invalid value
if (!empty($ranks[''.$rank_theme]))
$theme = $ranks[''.$rank_theme];
//Assume theme 1 (default) always exists
$theme = $ranks['1'];

if (!empty($theme))

Also I have proven it has to change value 1 by other created 2 for example and shows the image of that rank of created subject. All the ranks are public including dafault, and also I have proven in a new installation. I feel all the annoyances, perhaps it hopes to that somebody but installs it and reads the commentaries of as works to him.

It Is a MOd that interests much to me and I thank for your development in
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Re: [Beta] Multi-race rank set mod AKA Ranking Themes (0.1.3)

Post by IBBoard »

Ah, I've now spotted the missing instruction, and it would cause it to behave as if that function hadn't been modified.

Here's the quick fix that I'll add in another release soon:


Code: Select all

function get_user_rank($user_rank, $user_posts, &$rank_title, &$rank_img, &$rank_img_src)
find inline

Code: Select all

add after:

Code: Select all

, $rank_theme = 1
That should solve the problem. Sorry about that.
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Re: [Beta] Multi-race rank set mod AKA Ranking Themes (0.1.3)

Post by farolo »

Now it works correctly.

Thank ;)
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Re: [Beta] Multi-race rank set mod AKA Ranking Themes (0.1.3)

Post by IBBoard »

No problem. Sorry for including the method parameter documentation change but not the actual method parameter change!

[edit] Okay, as a birthday present to you all (my birthday, your present ;) ) I've now got v0.1.4 with the fix in and about to be linked from the first post.
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Re: [Beta] Multi-race rank set mod AKA Ranking Themes (0.1.4)

Post by IBBoard »

Does anyone else have any more feedback? Is the mod now correctly documented and functioning? I've had eleven downloads of 0.1.4, so there must be some people planning to install it :)
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Re: [Beta] Multi-race rank set mod AKA Ranking Themes (0.1.4)

Post by GTT »

IBBoard wrote:Does anyone else have any more feedback? Is the mod now correctly documented and functioning? I've had eleven downloads of 0.1.4, so there must be some people planning to install it :)
Bump... :geek:

I need me as this MOD and I would like to know if it is still valid or whether the cersion BETA remain there ...

Thx... :|
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Re: [Beta] Multi-race rank set mod AKA Ranking Themes (0.1.4)

Post by IBBoard »

I've not checked its compatibility with 3.0RC7 yet (still not updated my forum) but it may work without any changes.

As for it being a beta version, I've not received any responses about the MOD outside of this thread so as far as I know then only farolo has installed the mod at all (and was a great help in fixing missed bits of instruction). Until I get more feedback then it could be perfectly stable and bug-free, and easily installable, but I can't tell because I don't have the feedback.
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Re: [Beta] Multi-race rank set mod AKA Ranking Themes (0.1.4)

Post by MewDragon »

Hey there,

I like the idea for this mod, but I was hoping you might be able to check out this mod request thread and perhaps incorporated some of the elements requested in there in your mod.

http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopi ... &sk=t&sd=a
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Re: [Beta] Multi-race rank set mod AKA Ranking Themes (0.1.4)

Post by IBBoard »

Interesting idea. I don't know how the group rank images work at the moment or how difficult it will be but I'll try to have a look at adding it as a feature. I can't promise when, though, since I've just moved into a new house recently and my family are visiting at the weekend, so it might take me a little while.
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Re: [Beta] Multi-race rank set mod AKA Ranking Themes (0.1.4)

Post by IBBoard »

Okay, I've finally got round to updating to RC7 (my computer's power supply gave up last weekend and the motherboard seemed to have taken the hit from it) and it still appears to work fine. Unfortunately I've now noticed I'm ten days behind and there's an RC8! Time to patch again.

Beta status will remain until I know some people are successfully using the mod. As far as I'm concerned it works fine on my forums, but it is just a case of whether the instructions are complete and understandable.

Note: I've not done a clean install of the mod, so some changes to code may exist. If you notice any, please tell me, otherwise I'll just check when Gold comes out and assume everything is fine until told otherwise. If the patches can apply cleanly then it's unlikely that code near my modification will have changed.
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Re: [Beta] Multi-race rank set mod AKA Ranking Themes (0.1.4)

Post by IBBoard »

Okay, I've checked the mod against phpBB3 Gold, clarified some of the instructions and removed ambiguity of where they might apply, and made sure that the ranks always work (the old instructions meant they'd be enabled/disabled along with birthdays).

I can't get the mod validating yet (possibly because there aren't any clear instructions or examples of modifying language files and whether they should go in languages/en.xml) but the instructions should be correct for Gold now and the pages all display fine.

Multi-race rank set mod AKA Ranking Themes (0.1.5)

Please download, install and give feedback. If people confirm the instructions are okay then I'll (eventually) work out the validation issues and release it to the ModDB.
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Re: [Beta] Multi-race rank set mod AKA Ranking Themes (0.1.5)

Post by farolo »

Thanks ;)

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Re: [RC1] Multi-race rank set mod AKA Ranking Themes (0.1.5)

Post by IBBoard »

Hopefully it should be a smooth install. Any feedback (even "it worked and installed fine") is appreciated so that I can get it submitted to the ModDB :)

Title changed to "RC1" as I think it is now ready for release, baring any mistakes in the XML file and as soon as I get the validator to validate it without a huge stack of XML schema errors.

[edit] Just took a look at some validated mods that have made language changes in the main Install.xml file (as I had it before). I don't have a clue what the package instructions mean with the /language and /template sub-folders, but you don't seem to have to put the template and language changes in there.

A v0.1.6 of the mod has now been released. The only change is that everything is all in a single .xml file again (rather than having template changes in /templates and language changes in /languages)

http://www.ibboard.co.uk/mods/MultiRace ... _0.1.6.zip

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