[MODDB] Prime Trash Bin - Keep deleted topics & posts

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Re: [BETA] Prime Recycle Bin (0.1.7) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by SkyKnight »

Should I send you prime_recycle_bin.php just per PM?
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Re: [BETA] Prime Recycle Bin (0.1.7) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by primehalo »

SkyKnight wrote:Should I send you prime_recycle_bin.php just per PM?
Yeah, that'll work.
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Re: [BETA] Prime Recycle Bin (0.1.7) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by SkyKnight »

primehalo wrote:
SkyKnight wrote:Should I send you prime_recycle_bin.php just per PM?
Yeah, that'll work.
Unfortunatly I cannot attach file in PM :(
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Re: [BETA] Prime Recycle Bin (0.1.7) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by IPB_Refugee »

A suggestion: Post the code here using the BBCode [ code ] Then wait until prime has got a copy and then edit your post and remove the [ code ] part.
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Re: [BETA] Prime Recycle Bin (0.1.7) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by SkyKnight »

Exactly. Thank's for idea :)
Last edited by SkyKnight on Fri Aug 31, 2007 11:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [BETA] Prime Recycle Bin (0.1.8) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by primehalo »

Thanks! Version 0.1.8 had a couple of additions to the language file, so would you be able to translate that one?
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Re: [BETA] Prime Recycle Bin (0.1.8) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by SkyKnight »

Not a problem ;)

Code: Select all

* prime_recycle_bin [Russian]
* @package language
* @version $Id: prime_recycle_bin.php,v 0.0.0 2007/07/30 22:30:00 primehalo Exp $
* @copyright (c) 2007 Ken F. Innes IV
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License

if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
	$lang = array();

// All language files should use UTF-8 as their encoding and the files must not contain a BOM.
// Placeholders can now contain order information, e.g. instead of
// 'Page %s of %s' you can (and should) write 'Page %1$s of %2$s', this allows
// translators to re-order the output of data while ensuring it remains correct
// You do not need this where single placeholders are used, e.g. 'Message %d' is fine
// equally where a string contains only two placeholders which are used to wrap text
// in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine
// Some characters you may want to copy&paste:
// ’ » “ ” …

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	// Admin
	'PRIME_RECYCLE_BIN'				=> 'Корзина',
	'PRIME_RECYCLE_BIN_EXPLAIN'		=> 'Если выбран, то удаленная ветка будет перенесена в корзину и сообщения будут скрыты от просмотра. Удаление ветки из корзины приведет к полному удаленю без возможности восстановления.',
	'PRIME_RECYCLE_BIN_DISABLE'		=> 'Не использовать корзину',
	'PRIME_RECYCLE_BIN_DIVIDER'		=> '---------------------------',
	'PRIME_RECYCLE_BIN_REASON'		=> 'Укажите пожалуйста причину удаления',

	// Deleting a user 
	'PRIME_REASON_WHEN_DELETE_USER'		=> 'Пользователь был удален.',
	'PRIME_FOREVER_WHEN_DELETE_USER'	=> 'Удалить сообщения',
	//Deleting Topics
	'PRIME_DELETED_TOPIC_SUCCESS'	=> 'Выбранный топик был успешно перемещен в корзину.',
	'PRIME_DELETED_TOPICS_SUCCESS'	=> 'Выбранные топики были успешно перемещены в корзину.',
	'PRIME_GO_TO_RECYCLE_BIN'		=> '%sПерейти в козину%s',
	'PRIME_DELETE_FORUM_LIMIT'		=> 'Топик может быть удален только однажды',
	'PRIME_DELETE_TOPIC_FOREVER'	=> 'Удалить топик',
	'PRIME_DELETE_TOPICS_FOREVER'	=> 'Удалить топики',

	//Deleting Posts
	'PRIME_DELETED_POST'			=> '[Сообщение было удалено]',
	'PRIME_DELETED_POST_DETAILS'	=> 'Сообщение было удалено %1$s в %2$s.',
	'PRIME_DELETED_POST_FOREVER'	=> 'Удаление сообщения приведет к удалению без возможности восстановления.',
	'PRIME_DELETE_POST_FOREVER'		=> 'Удалить сообщение',
	'PRIME_DELETE_POSTS_FOREVER'	=> 'Удалить сообщения',
	'PRIME_UNDELETE_POST'			=> 'Восстановить сообщение',
	'PRIME_VIEW_DELETED_POST'		=> 'Просмотреть сообщение',
	'PRIME_HIDE_DELETED_POST'		=> 'Скрыть сообщение',

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Re: [BETA] Prime Recycle Bin (0.1.8) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by primehalo »

Ken F. Innes IV
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Re: [BETA] Prime Recycle Bin (0.1.8) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by cotp »

Hello and thanks for this great mod :P

When I delete a post, it display who deleted the post and that a post was deleted, I would like to know if there would be a way so that only admin an moderators would see that information ?
Or even better we could choose on each post if we want to display it or not for users ?

Some other feature could also be to delete 1 or several posts and putthem inside a given topic or a new one in the recylce bin...

Thanks in advance,

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Re: [BETA] Prime Recycle Bin (0.1.8) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by primehalo »

cotp wrote:Hello and thanks for this great mod :P

When I delete a post, it display who deleted the post and that a post was deleted, I would like to know if there would be a way so that only admin an moderators would see that information ?
This is an option I plan to add in a future version, but for now you should be able to accomplish this by making the following change to viewtopic_body.html


Code: Select all

<div class="ignore">{postrow.L_IGNORE_POST}</div>
Replace with

Code: Select all

<!-- IF not postrow.S_DELETED or (postrow.S_DELETED and S_TOPIC_MOD) --><div class="ignore">{postrow.L_IGNORE_POST}</div><!-- ENDIF -->
cotp wrote:Or even better we could choose on each post if we want to display it or not for users ?
I'm not sure if that would be an option I'd want. It may require additional SQL queries, and I don't see much point in doing it on a per-post basis. Anyone else have thoughts on this?
cotp wrote:Some other feature could also be to delete 1 or several posts and putthem inside a given topic or a new one in the recylce bin...

Thanks in advance,

This could be a possibility, though I think if I were to do this I wouldn't mark each of the posts as deleted, I'd just mark the new topic that the posts are put into as deleted.
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Re: [BETA] Prime Recycle Bin (0.1.8) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by c4gamerz »

i tried installing it but it gives
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_IF, expecting ')' in
/home/cheating/public_html/islamicteachings/forum/viewtopic.php on line
whenever i try to open a new post. I think i have made mistake in adding codes coz in some steps the line which i have to edit is present 2 or three times. I will try to edit files again.
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Re: [BETA] Prime Recycle Bin (0.1.8) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by playerfr »

Neither do I dont see the reason of doing this. But One option can be versy usefull that is : sending a PM to the person who's post was delted , and the reason why it was deleted.
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Re: [BETA] Prime Recycle Bin (0.1.8) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by cotp »

Thanks primehalo for your quick anwser :P
primehalo wrote:This is an option I plan to add in a future version, but for now you should be able to accomplish this by making the following change to viewtopic_body.html
Thank you, I will try that for now :)
primehalo wrote:I'm not sure if that would be an option I'd want. It may require additional SQL queries, and I don't see much point in doing it on a per-post basis. Anyone else have thoughts on this?
Actually the only point would be that sometimes we want to show the users that a post was deleted and the reason why, sometimes we just don't. Well I guess if that is also too much of hassle to manage better drop that option...

primehalo wrote:This could be a possibility, though I think if I were to do this I wouldn't mark each of the posts as deleted, I'd just mark the new topic that the posts are put into as deleted.
Actually what I was refering to is whatwe do sometimes right now whenwe clean topics on phpBB2
Let's say I have a topic with 20 posts. Inside 5 of them should be deleted (in random order)
What I do now is split these topics inside a NEW post (done with a mod in phpBB2) that I put inside the recycle bin (in case we want backup)

Sometimes this future of splitting can also be used for splitting a topic in two different ones but that is another story...

Hope that makes sense
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Re: [BETA] Prime Recycle Bin (0.1.7) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by LRdM »

primehalo wrote:Man, this MOD really turned out to be a pain in the ass. It was really simple when it was just moving a topic to a specific forum....
I think the MOD is great as it is and doesn't necessarily need any more features :D
primehalo wrote:I'm adding an option to the delete confirmation screen that will allow you to permanently delete the topic/post. For the admin panel, when an admin chooses to delete a user's posts or delete a user and not keep their posts, should they then automatically have permission to have the ability to permanently delete the user's posts, even if they don't have permission to delete from the recycle bin?
I think it would keep the permissions consistent if there was no automatic permission to delete the user's posts when deleting a user over the admin panel just by virtue of being in the administrator's group. The permission to permanently delete posts should be based on the admin/mod's recycling bin permissions.
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Re: [BETA] Prime Recycle Bin (0.1.8) - Delete Threads To a Forum

Post by primehalo »

c4gamerz wrote:i tried installing it but it gives
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_IF, expecting ')' in
/home/cheating/public_html/islamicteachings/forum/viewtopic.php on line
whenever i try to open a new post. I think i have made mistake in adding codes coz in some steps the line which i have to edit is present 2 or three times. I will try to edit files again.
I'd definitely try going through the instructions again. If you can post a few lines of code around line #1453 then I can probably tell you why you're getting that error.
Ken F. Innes IV
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