Author: jrolson
Style Version: 1.5.2
phpBB Version: 3.0.12
Based on: prosilver
Official Facebook Page
*7 colors available. Blue, Black, Red, Green, Pink, Purple, and Teal.
Options in template/config.html,
$A_COLOR = Default color.
$A_COLOR_SWITCHER = Display color switcher?
$A_LOGO = Displays an image as logo, or browser-readable text.
$A_PM_ALERT = Display an alert on the header when you receive a new PM?
$A_ORB = Display start Orb?
To change the default width,
in theme/common.css find '#container', change the 'width' property to your percentage or pixels (% or px).
*If you want a fixed width, the minimum width is 850 pixels. You shouldn't go smaller than this.
To add a new button to the navigation bar,
Code: Select all
<a class="squarebuttonl" href="{U_RESTORE_PERMISSIONS}"><span>{L_RESTORE_PERMISSIONS}</span></a>
<!-- ENDIF -->
Code: Select all
<a class="squarebuttonl" href="{U_FAQ}"><span><img class="navbaricon" src="{T_THEME_PATH}/images/icon_faq.png" alt="" width="14" height="12" /> {L_FAQ}</span></a><span class="navspacel"></span>
To add borders to mods, (Only works w/ version 1.4.7 & above)
add {$A_BLOCK_START} before the mod's code
and add {$A_BLOCK_END} after the mod's code.
Always flush cache after editing!
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