Will feature X be included in the final release?
No, including new software means including new bugs, there for my focus lies now on only working bugs out of the release. As a matter of principal I don't make promises for the future. The only exception to this is when I already have done something, just haven't released it jet.
I have a problem executing the mod, will you help me?
You may always ask questions in this thread. If you have other mods installed then make sure they didn't case any problems by installing my mod on a clean phpbb3 installation.
For users
How can I rate a post?
If you meet the requirements then you do this by clicking on the five stars that are located at the top of every post.
When can I rate a post?
You can rate a post when the border of the star becomes blue. The requirements for this are:
- you are registered for a X days.
- have written X posts.
- the post was written within X days of today.
- the post you like to rate is not your own.
- haven't abused the system in the past. (only applies if the penalty module is enabled)
- you have some modpoints left. (only applies if the modpoints module is enabled)
How should I vote?
Use the most left star for junk posts, the middle star for neutral posts and the most right star for quality posts. You can view the descriptions by hovering over the links.
The stars only show my rating, whats wrong?
This is a feature and not a bug. The average rating will only be visible when voting is no longer possible. (i.e. when the border becomes red when hovered over.)
For administrators
What do the acp options on the detailed page mean?
Basis module is, well, the basic stuff you need.
- Period posts are open for voting (days): users can no longer vote on a post after the post was posted this many days ago.
- Voting requires membership period (days): users can only vote if they have bin a member of your board for at least this many days.
- Voting requires post count: users can only vote if the have at least this number of post written.
- Ignored permillage of votes (on the edges): approximately this amount of votes are ignored in determining the score, assuming the votes are normally divided. This is done in an attempt to discard votes from users who like to abuse the system.
Karma module provides the (weighted) average rating over a period that fades out by dividing this period in to intervals. This way the youngest interval has a greater influence and the oldest. I.e. from now to 30 days ago has a greater influence than 30 days ago to 60 days ago.
- Interval:
- Amount of intervals:
Shadow module is a algorithm that figures out what your users would have voted, by comparing voting history of users.
- The chance the shadow vote is correct: A lower chance allows for a less accurate, and therefor more, shadow votes. A higher chance gives more guaranties about the accurately of the shadow votes.
- Shadow algorithm intervall:
- Minium votes casted per user requirement: A high value should save the algorithm a little bit of time by removing users who are likly have no compatible voting. A lower value gives the highest change the algorithm can cast shadow votes.
Penalty module is a algorithm that blocks users who give scores that lay out of the normal spectrum.
- Penalty permillage (of votes):
- Minimum ammount of votes required:
- Examined period:
- Percentage when voting is disabled overall:
- Percentage when voting is disabled per user:
Modpoint module is a way of rewarding users who post. Users need these points to be able to vote and can collect them by posting. The number of modpoints can be based on the rate there post get.
- Amount of modpoints recieved for each new post:
- Period the modpoints stay valid:
- Base modpoints on karma?: