rxu wrote:install.php does a few actions, not just sql queries. It also sets some quickreply displaying options and installs Quick Reply ACP module properly.
So making only SQL statements is not enough.
What do you get with install.php? Just blank page? Any records in server errorlog?
Is ACP module installed correctly with timed script out?
Well, I get an Nginx error "Gateway Timeout" I'm sure it's resources related. I'm on a VPS with only 256mb ram, so everything is tweaked to be easy on ram, which of course also means at time down on performance for big things.
The ACP page is there, and the radio buttons work. There's two categories. QR and QP each have like 5 radio buttons and a drop-down at the top showing non, registered, all. One thing I noticed last night is 'enabling' the quick post didn't seem to do anything (or I wasn't looking in the right spot) but honestly I'm not sure I want that anyway. I'll look at my logs and report anything from there in a few.
Thanks for the reply.