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Cutpurse (image here) Taslyn (Non-Applicable)
Yes. The only incrementing ranking scheme that I have that goes according to post count are set for those members whose characters are not affiliated with any specific guild but instead are just 'citizens' of the realm. Here are screenshots of the rank themes I have set up using your mod:Based on what you posted, how do you handle it at the moment? Do you just have (making numbers up) 11 special ranks * X guilds and no-one with a 'normal' post-count incrementing rank? Or is this on top of a normal ranking scheme?
It does make sense and yes, that's about it at the moment, lol. So am I correct in assuming that I need to create these ranks in the special theme category in order to assign them to the members?As I see it at the moment, if each of those ranks doesn't have a post count then you don't really have a set of rank themes in the sense of this mod as it stands, just a large collection of special ranks that can be categorised by guild (if that makes sense).