Cyrillic on PHPBB?

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Cyrillic on PHPBB?

Post by travb »

When I attempt to type Cyrillic characters (Russian) to my PHP Bulletin Board 3.0 I get this error:


SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]

Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT), (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE), (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation ' IN ' [1270]


SELECT word_id, word_text FROM phpbb_search_wordlist WHERE word_text IN ('одесса', 'украина')


How can I fix this? I can't find any answers online. Let me know if this is the wrong forum.
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Re: Cyrillic on PHPBB?

Post by travb »

Looks like I am not going to get an answer.

I found the following possible answers, all which are very complex:
  • MySQL Lists Forum thread
    Answer: This little query solved my dilemma, sort of: SET NAMES 'utf8';
  • Forum mentioning this solution.
    In the PHPMyAdmin database there is a database folder called phpbb_config, there are three files in this folder:
    1. config_name
    2. config_value, and
    3. is_dynamic
  • phpBB forum Complex solution
    In the PHPMyAdmin database there is a database folder called phpbb_lang, there are 6 files in this folder:
    1. lang_id
    2. lang_iso
    3. lang_dir
    4. lang_english_name
    5. lang_local_name
    6. lang_author
  • PHPForum mentioning a bug, which is a complex solution
My same question posted on phpMyAdmin Forum
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Re: Cyrillic on PHPBB?

Post by travb »

This still works really well.
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Re: Cyrillic on PHPBB?

Post by Oleg »

Looks like your wordlist table uses latin1_swedish_ci for its collation, i.e. it is not utf8. If you still have this issue you should post in the support forums for assistance on getting it into the right character set.
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