[Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

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Re: [Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

Post by battye »

You forgot to change the table prefix. Alter the "phpbb_" part to whatever your table prefix is.
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Re: [Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

Post by InternetMafia »

Ok stupid question. I tried to install the following code using your method into my database.

Code: Select all

CREATE TABLE `phpbb_reputations` (
  `rep_id` mediumint(8) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `rep_from` mediumint(8) NOT NULL,
  `rep_to` mediumint(8) NOT NULL,
  `rep_time` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `rep_post_id` mediumint(8) NOT NULL,
  `rep_point` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `rep_comment` mediumtext NOT NULL,
  `bbcode_uid` varchar(8) NOT NULL,
  `bbcode_bitfield` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `enable_bbcode` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `enable_smilies` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `enable_urls` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`rep_id`)
  ) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`;
ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `user_reputation` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL ;
ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `user_hide_reputation` TINYINT( 1 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
ALTER TABLE `phpbb_groups` ADD `group_reputation_power` TINYINT( 4 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
INSERT INTO `phpbb_acl_options` (`auth_option`, `is_global`, `is_local`, `founder_only`) VALUES
('u_rp_give', 1, 0, 0),
('u_rp_view', 1, 0, 0),
('u_rp_disable', 1, 0, 0),
('u_rp_ignore', 1, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `phpbb_config` (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES
('rp_block_per_points', '50'),
('rp_comment_max_chars', '255'),
('rp_display', '2'),
('rp_enable', '0'),
('rp_max_blocks', '10'),
('rp_max_power', '5'),
('rp_membership_days', '365'),
('rp_min_posts', '100'),
('rp_recent_points', '5'),
('rp_reg_bonus', '5'),
('rp_time_limitation', '12'),
('rp_total_posts', '500'),
('rp_user_spread', '10');
Everything looked like it installed normally. However now, when I go into the ACP everything is in brackets like such:





Any ideas what I did wrong and how to fix it?
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Re: [Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

Post by Tripp »

Looks like you messed up a language file.
The box said 'You need Windows XP or better' .... so I installed linux.

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Re: [Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

Post by opalelement »

make sure you have language/*/acp/common.php
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Re: [Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

Post by jtryptophan »

*mods delete please*
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Re: [Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

Post by ec1234 »

Hi again,

I took a chance and made some changes to the phpbb part. It said it accepted it, so now what remians is to see if the MOD is working. Sorry about that and thanx!


I actually never used a dbase before phpbb and I am still completely green. Tried to do the Meta Tag Mod and managed the manual part apparently since everything is still running ..., but I have major problems undertsanding what to do with the mysql update. I follow th einstructions as given here, but get the error message that table ccc_ecforum.phpbb_config does not exist. But, teh forum is working so I assume there must be a table somewhere... :idea:

Can anyone please be charitable and let me know what to do? In my remaining MySQL infancy I have a feeling it is a matter of adding teh right name for te hdBase, but ... why am i even making guesses...

Thank you so much in advance!


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Re: [Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

Post by opalelement »

Your best bet would be to post in the modification topic, not here. This is simply to tell you how to do it.
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Re: [Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

Post by .::big fan::. »

I tried to upload it on my server but it didn't work as in it said page doesn't exist when I enter the URL, any idea of how I can it make it accessable?
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Re: [Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

Post by .::big fan::. »

Question... When I have this code:

INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value, is_dynamic) VALUES ('enable_abquestion', '0', '0');

Do I have to change "phpbb" to the name of my database or do I keep it the same? Thanks!!
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Re: [Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

Post by opalelement »

.::big fan::. wrote:Question... When I have this code:

INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value, is_dynamic) VALUES ('enable_abquestion', '0', '0');

Do I have to change "phpbb" to the name of my database or do I keep it the same? Thanks!!
You have to change it, so if your tables for phpbb are like "phpbb_config" then it stays but if tehy are "my_board_config" then you change the query to "INSERT INTO my_board_config (conf..."
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Re: [Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

Post by fancyshoot »

Hello,i have some questions here, this always happen when i change mySQL,

SQL query:

INSERT INTO PHPBB_config( config_name, config_value )
'user_reminder_last_auto_run', '0'

MySQL said: Documentation
#1146 - Table '5c2003.phpbb_config' doesn't exist

i wanna to know what is my perfix instead for phpbb_ of
INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('user_reminder_last_auto_run', '0');

this is my config file,
// phpBB 3.0.x auto-generated configuration file
// Do not change anything in this file!
$dbms = 'mysql';
$dbhost = '';
$dbport = '';
$dbname = '5c2003';
$dbuser = 'erer';
$dbpasswd = '***********';
$table_prefix = '5c2003forum';
$acm_type = 'file';
$load_extensions = '';

@define('PHPBB_INSTALLED', true);
// @define('DEBUG', true);
// @define('DEBUG_EXTRA', true);
so what should i replace the phpbb_
i tried these but workless,

i really need your help :cry: !!!
hope can hear from you soon,thanks !
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Re: [Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

Post by jft91 »


I recently tried putting this code into the sql database...

ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `user_rank2` MEDIUMINT( 8 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL ;
ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` ADD `user_rank3` MEDIUMINT( 8 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL ;

But, after I hit go, I come up with this error.

#1146 - Table 'xxxxxx_pbb03.phpbb_users' doesn't exist

Is there something easy that I'm missing?
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Re: [Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

Post by alienbabeltech »

I am new to this.

I don't understand 2 things, which database to add it to and what to replace with what

Here's my forum http://alienbabeltech.com/abt/index.php

Here's the view in phpMyadmin


I'm guessing i have to select abt, since my in my forum address its abt/index.php

another Q, this mod tells me to do this

Code: Select all

INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('amount_top_posters', '10');
INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('top_posters_hours', '24');
INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('top_posters_excl_adm', '0');
INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('top_posters_excl_mod', '0');
INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('top_posters_excl_ids', '');
INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('top_posters_excl_hours', '0');
What do I have to replace in this and with what ?
This is the best and most helpful community I have been on. You are some of the best people I have met. GOD Bless You ALL !
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Re: [Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

Post by battye »

wolf2009 wrote:I am new to this.

I don't understand 2 things, which database to add it to and what to replace with what

Here's my forum http://alienbabeltech.com/abt/index.php

Here's the view in phpMyadmin


I'm guessing i have to select abt, since my in my forum address its abt/index.php

another Q, this mod tells me to do this

Code: Select all

INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('amount_top_posters', '10');
INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('top_posters_hours', '24');
INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('top_posters_excl_adm', '0');
INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('top_posters_excl_mod', '0');
INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('top_posters_excl_ids', '');
INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('top_posters_excl_hours', '0');
What do I have to replace in this and with what ?
It won't be in "abt" as the 0 in brackets means that database is empty. I think it will most likely be _phpb1 as it has 62 tables with in it, so I'm thinking that must be the active database. (otherwise it might be _phpbb1)

You need to replace the instances of "phpbb" in your code to "phpb1", like changing:

Code: Select all

INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('amount_top_posters', '10');

Code: Select all

INSERT INTO phpb1_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('amount_top_posters', '10');
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Re: [Tutorial] How to use phpMyAdmin

Post by matt25 »

Can phpMyAdmin be used with SQLite?

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