Take particular note of the important notice half way down regarding Google ads. Due to the google terms and conditions, the ads should only go in the index_body.html, viewtopic_body.html and viewforum_body.html files. Do not put them in the overall_header or footer.
Has anyone compared google analytical data on a phpbb forum with that of something like awstats on a traditional web hosting?
I have a feeling the stats generated by google on a phpbb forum will not give a true indication of your site statistics, or maybe google is cleverer than i think.
In a default install, it would be:
The Knowledge Base contains solutions to many common problems! How to fix "Doesn't have a default value" and "Incorrect string value: xxx for column 'post_text' " errors.
How to do a clean re-install of the latest phpBB3 version.
Problems with permissions? Read phpBB3 Permissions
The Knowledge Base contains solutions to many common problems! How to fix "Doesn't have a default value" and "Incorrect string value: xxx for column 'post_text' " errors.
How to do a clean re-install of the latest phpBB3 version.
Problems with permissions? Read phpBB3 Permissions
After you add the code to overall_footer.html, be sure to clear your cache from the admin panel - otherwise the modified page will not be active. Took me a few minutes to figure this out