Parse error after update

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Parse error after update

Post by action_man »

I have purged my cache after updating from 3.02 to 3.04 and i get the error below.

Can anyone help me sort it out please ? ...

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Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /home/myforum/public_html/phpBB3/cache/tpl_prosilver_overall_header.html.php on line 160
Last edited by Erik Frèrejean on Thu Jan 08, 2009 8:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Parse error after update

Post by Erik Frèrejean »

There is a problem with that template file. Could you post the content of styles/prosilver/template/overall_header.html?
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Re: Parse error after update

Post by action_man »

This is the overall_header.html ...

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Re: Parse error after update

Post by Erik Frèrejean »

Could you also post the content of that cache file? (I'm not truly awake and that helps debugging :))
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Re: Parse error after update

Post by action_man »

I`m sorry but that file was the wrong one, here is the correct one.

Is the cache file in the Cache folder ?, if so, there are a few files there, which one to choose ? ...

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Re: Parse error after update

Post by Erik Frèrejean »

Indeed it is in the cache folder and named:

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Re: Parse error after update

Post by action_man »

This is the offending file in question ...

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Erik Frèrejean
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Re: Parse error after update

Post by Erik Frèrejean »

I don't see anything wrong at the line noted in the error. Try clearing the forum cache (not style) and try again.
Are you sure you've posted the correct file?
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Re: Parse error after update

Post by action_man »

I think i posted the correct file, i have downloaded it from the server again to make sure, so here it is again ...

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<?php } ?>

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Erik Frèrejean
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Name: Erik Frèrejean

Re: Parse error after update

Post by Erik Frèrejean »

Could you give some additional information by filling out the SRT?
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Re: Parse error after update

Post by action_man »

Your board's URL:
Version of phpBB3: 3.04
Was this a fresh install or a(n) update/upgrade/conversion (please be specific)? Upgrade
If update, what package(s) did you use? 3.02 to 3.04
Did you use an automated wizard provided by your host to install phpBB? No
MODs you have installed: I did have Canver Portal
When the problem started: When i cleared the cache
Your level of expertise (be honest): Beginner with PHPBB3

Template(s) used: Prosilver
Language(s) used: English
Version of PHP used: Server version: 4.1.22-standard
Database and version used: Unknown
Test account*: Cant activate test account, board is not working

I had to replace about 160 files when i updated, after the update everything worked ok, until i cleared the cache ...
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Re: Parse error after update

Post by action_man »

Can you tell me please ?, if its beyond repair, then i`ll try to rescue what i can ...
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Re: Parse error after update

Post by action_man »

Has everyone abandoned me ? :roll: .

Just let me know, so i can move on, and rescue what i can, thank you ...
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Re: Parse error after update

Post by action_man »

It was a simple matter of deleting the tpl_prosilver_overall_header.html.php file from the server and replacing it with one on my hard-drive ;) ...
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Erik Frèrejean
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Re: Parse error after update

Post by Erik Frèrejean »

Glad to hear that you solved it.
I didn't answer as I was clueless on this one, not cause I'va abandoned you :P.
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