Alright everyone, here's a topic where you can thank everybody who has personally made your experience with phpBB a pleasurable one.
If you were sent here by a moderator and your original topic was locked, please, rest assured that your thanks is very, very much appreciated - but with the amount of gratitude we receive on a daily basis, it tends to fill up the forums, so we prefer to keep it all in one place. Thanks for your understanding!
Last edited by Kanuck on Fri Sep 27, 2002 10:44 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Kanuck wrote:
Alright everyone, here's a thread where you can thank the developers, moderators (;)), groupies, and everybody else who has personally made your experience with phpBB a pleasurable one.
I'd personally like to thank psoTFX, Doug, theFinn, Bart, subBlue, ffeingol (the invisible site admin), and all of the other members of the phpBB 2.0 development team. I sit here in awe, thinking back to twelve months ago, and just how far this board, this website, and this community have come along. It looks incredible, it works incredible, the support is simply amazing, and you guys should take pride in knowing you've created the best forum software ever created - and best of all, it's free for everyone.
So, let's hear it, everyone! Give these guys a hand, because they certainly deserve it.
Dito! It was a great experience to see the forum grow and grow and makes me feel special to be a part of it *sob* ... Thank you guys!
I'd like to thank everyone involved. The community, the developers, the moderators. Not just for phpBB2, but for being here for help, not just with phpBB(2), but with other tech stuff like Linux, PHP, you get the idea
This is my first post here. Have been using phpbb since RC2 and want to thank everyone here. The devlopment team and this community.
The reason I downloaded phpbb was I am currently teaching myself PHP and MySQL and thought that this would help and boy did it! And what really helped the most was all of the people here posting help and suggestions. Whenever I got some funky error I would just pop over here, do a little digging, and *poof*! problem solved!
Great job! I can't wait until I feel comfortable enough to try doing my own mods!
i've been in the hospital yesterday, so imagine my surprise when i went to the forums only to discover that v2 was finally Super Furry™!!
this brought a tear to my eye...seriously. i feel like i need a good hosing down now.
while i'm in this mood, just wanted to say that i love you all, dev team. i can't tell you how much fun it's been with you all the last year or so, and how much joy it's been modding the software to my tastes. it is your forum that introduced me to PHP & mySQL, which has been a profound learning experience for me.
so James, Paul, & everyone - once again, i hail you. if there's ever anything i can do for you personally or collectively, professionally or otherwise, don't ever hesitate to call on me.
back just in time, eh Kanuck? what a coincidence.... 8)