You've been warned, several times, by different members of the team here, to stop posting OFF TOPIC posts. Please stop doing this. Consider this a warning.
Official phpBB Moderator
"This is starting to become easier..."
yay! I dunno y. but everyone seems happy. I did see something about free o.0 does that mean phpBB is going to cost money? o.0 skarie that would be, cauz I am cheep and couldn't pay.
i doubt that they'll beign to charge for phpBB licences. I like helping where i can in open source projects. and this is an example of a very sucessfull one
Didn't know about this thread so I apologize to primedomain and other mods for posting elsewhere.
I continue to be more and more impressed with and thankful for phpBB2 everyday I work with it. I'm also very impressed and thankful for the excellent help and support y'all offer here in the forums.
Just wanted to say "thanks" for developing such an awesome application for the open-source community.