[RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emails

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Re: [RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emai

Post by miow »

Ok, thank you very much!
I understand now much more. But is not possible to add the link from the just posted message in the notify? That's what i meant. ;)
I guess that's not possible and if yes, then only with much changes in (i think) much files of the forum. :D
So, just curious and not important anymore.

Have a great day, miow
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Re: [RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emai

Post by andrew vanis »

miow wrote:That's easy. Just look into dir: language/xx/email/prime_notify_yyy.txt.
Thanks for the lead. I am working on that.
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Re: [RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emai

Post by andrew vanis »

In a Forum Notification Email, how can I include a direct link to the specific topic that generated that forum notification and/or a direct link to “reply to” of that specific topic?

Pat 1 - I would like for those that just subscribe to a forum to be able to link directly to the topic that generated the forum notification.

Might I be able to take the topic code from the topic notification email and paste it into the forum notification email?

Part 2 - Might it be possible to generate a link to the “reply” to that specific topic so the mobile user does not have to navigate the small webpage screen to click the reply button to post a reply?

If you have any hints on either of these parts of where the code I might want to duplicate start/finishes would help so I don’t miss any characters it would be great.

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Re: [RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emai

Post by miow »

Hi Andrew!

Your first question was already answered. Just a few posts before yours. :D
Look at here: http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopi ... #p12981397
It's unfortunely not possible. -.-"

But it should be no problem, because phpbb3 generated it automaticly in the notify as you noticed for sure. ;)
I know, it looks less professional, but it's ok. You want maybe the same look like vBulletin, like me, too. Right? :mrgreen:

For the other part of your question you will maybe get lost and/or the same answer, because it's not really possible. Well, not in 2011 but maybe in 2012. ;)
It's a question of demand and supply on phpbb.com for its self, i guess. Not sure, but i think so.

Best wishes from the "outskirts" of northgermany, miow ;)
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Re: [RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emai

Post by primehalo »

I think he's asking for inserting URLs, not actual links. Inserting those URLs would certainly be possible, but I'm afraid I can't help out with it as I'm just too busy at the moment. Plus, doing this would not be specific to my MOD; whatever changes that needed to be made to add a template variable with the URL you want would work for the default email templates as well, so you could probably ask about this in a separate thread.
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Re: [RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emai

Post by andrew vanis »

primehalo wrote:I think he's asking for inserting URLs
andrew vanis wrote:Pat 1 - I would like for those that just subscribe to a forum to be able to link directly to the topic that generated the forum notification.

{U_NEWEST_POST} in the email template generates a link directly to that topic.

Yes, this also works for multiple notifications since the “newest” topic is the newest one at the time the notification is generated.

We are using (PRIME_NOTIFY_ALWAYS', true) so we get new notification for every new topic/reply and everyone so far linked to the correct forum/topic

Here are numerous variable that one can use in the notification emails - http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopi ... 1&t=571663

andrew vanis wrote:Part 2 - Might it be possible to generate a link to the “reply” to that specific topic so the mobile user does not have to navigate the small webpage screen to click the reply button to post a reply?
primehalo wrote:whatever changes that needed to be made to add a template variable with the URL you want would work for the default email templates as well, so you could probably ask about this in a separate thread.
Looking into it - http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopi ... #p12982163

Thanks for the help.
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Re: [RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emai

Post by andrew vanis »

I was looking at wrong prime_notify.php file (copnfig file. the define('PRIME_NOTIFY_ALWAYS', true); was in fact "False"

changed, now seems to be good


Is there anything in PrimeNotify would cause Topic/post notification emails to be sent infrequently and inconsistently but PM notifications to be sent every time?

We have
define('PRIME_NOTIFY_PM_ENABLED', true);
define('PRIME_NOTIFY_BBCODES', true);
define('PRIME_NOTIFY_ALWAYS', true);


"email packet size" set to "0" so emails go out all the time.

We had to reinstall phpBB due to the tornadoes in the SE USA and we are running stock phpBB 3.0.8 and prime notify as the only mod.

This set-up worked for us before.


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Re: [RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emai

Post by ODobrov »

Hi, Primehalo.

After installation of your MOD, while trying to send a message an error appears:
"Fatal error: Call to a member function setup_post() on a non-object in *.*\includes\functions_posting.php on line 2605 "
Line 2605 in functions_posting.php - $prime_notify->setup_post($sql);

Version phpBB - 3.0.8
Version php - 5.3.3
Version mySQL Server - 5.1

Could you kindly assist in eliminating the error.

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Re: [RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emai

Post by primehalo »

This should be the code you are referring to:

Code: Select all

//-- mod: Prime Notify ------------------------------------------------------//
        include ($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/prime_notify.' . $phpEx);
//-- end: Prime Notify ------------------------------------------------------// 
The error is basically saying that the variable $prime_notify does not exists, but the variable is set up in the includes/prime_notify.php file which is included on the line directly above. So make sure that file is where it is supposed to be.
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Re: [RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emai

Post by ODobrov »

Thank you Primehalo for so quick response.
I copied file prime_notify.php from folder /language, and not from /includes :)
The error disappeared. The message can be sent to the email now. But:
field "Subject" is fiiled correctly,
field "Author" is filled correctly
and in field "Message" letter "S" appears instead of the text of a message.

The PM portion of it is working fine.
Version phpBB - 3.0.8
Version php - 5.3.3

How do you think what could be the cause of it?

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Re: [RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emai

Post by primehalo »

I have no idea why that would be happening. I would suggest going through the installation instructions again and make sure everything was done properly.
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Re: [RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emai

Post by ODobrov »

Hi, Primehalo.
Reinstallation of MOD helped.
Thank you for your kind support.
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Re: [RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emai

Post by Cable Player »

I've installed this MOD but users are now not receiving emails.
I'm going to do a re-install, but would you know why this would have happened?
Last edited by Cable Player on Tue May 24, 2011 8:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emai

Post by primehalo »

I could only guess that it was not installed properly, or that something accidentally got changed during the installation.
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Re: [RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emai

Post by Cable Player »

I've reinstalled this MOD but it is still not sending an email out when a user receives a PM. I have control of that user and the settings are set to receive emails etc.

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