[RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emails

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Re: [RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emai

Post by primehalo »

If you look at the original email files (topic_notify.txt, newtopic_notify.txt, forum_notify.txt) you'll see that they all use a variable called TOPIC_TITLE to insert the topic title. If you can figure out how to change this variable to contain the post title instead, then the change should also affect the Prime Notify MOD. That variable should be set in posting.php if I'm not mistaken (it's been a while since I've looked through the code).
Ken F. Innes IV
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Re: [RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emai

Post by Balero »


It's possible to send notify user for email after user be banned?

Thanks ;)
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Re: [RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emai

Post by primehalo »

I don't know... wouldn't that be more of a board option than one dealing specifically with my MOD? This MOD is basically just supposed to change the email template that is used, not really control when and to whom emails are sent.
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Re: [RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emai

Post by VickiFletcher »

primehalo wrote:Unfortunately, that is not an option available to individual users. I don't think it would take too much to add the option. If you're proficient in PHP you could probably do it yourself. I think you'd basically just go through the same procedure as installing the user choice add-on but using a different variable, like instead of user_notify_content use user_notify_always. Then just make a couple changes to the prime_notify.php file wherever the PRIME_NOTIFY_ALWAYS shoes up so that the setting would actually have an affect. I would do it myself but I already have a bunch of paid projects I need to work on.
It's been close to a year and I still haven't figured out how to do this. Could you please just post the code showing how to do it? It would be greatly appreciated! IF it matters, I am using subsilver2.

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Re: [RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emai

Post by primehalo »

I can't post the code because I don't have the code. If I did have the code I would have already put it the MOD. Right now, and for the foreseeable future, I need to focus on paid projects. We have a lot of bills to pay, medical and otherwise, so I have to take on as many paid projects as I can possibly handle and unfortunately that doesn't leave any time for working on hobby projects like these MODs. I will still try to fix any bugs that are found and fix compatibility issues with new versions of phpBB, but besides that I try to spend what little free time I get AWAY from the computer.
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Re: [RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emai

Post by RLHoldenSr »

I recently upgraded my website to:

Host PHP V5.4
Host MySQL V5
PHPBB Upgrade V3.0.11
I have Automod installed.

I have Prime Notify but it is not working after all the upgrades. We get no errors. It worked just fine until the upgrades.

1. Is the newst version compatible with PHPBB V3.0.11?

2. Will Automod uninstall this successfully?

3. Will Automod install the newest version of PN?

When I click on details for Prime Notify in the automod I get the following errors:

[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/acp/acp_mods.php on line 1976: Illegal string offset 'realname'
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/acp/acp_mods.php on line 1976: Illegal string offset 'realname'
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/acp/acp_mods.php on line 1976: Illegal string offset 'realname'
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/acp/acp_mods.php on line 1976: Illegal string offset 'realname'
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/includes/acp/acp_mods.php on line 1976: Illegal string offset 'realname'
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/adm/index.php on line 150: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [ROOT]/includes/functions.php:3823)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/adm/index.php on line 152: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [ROOT]/includes/functions.php:3823)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/adm/index.php on line 153: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [ROOT]/includes/functions.php:3823)
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/adm/index.php on line 154: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [ROOT]/includes/functions.php:3823)
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Re: [RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emai

Post by RLHoldenSr »

I have upgrade all to:

PHPBB3 V3.0.11
Host: PHP V5.4
Host MySQL V5.
New install of PHPBB3 V3.0.11 with DB and etc copied over

I tried to install Prime notify V1.10a via AutoMod and got a bunch of errors:

Code: Select all

General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]

Unknown column 'mod_contribs' in 'field list' [1054]


INSERT INTO phpbb_V3_mods (mod_time, mod_dependencies, mod_name, mod_description, mod_version, mod_path, mod_author_notes, mod_author_name, mod_author_email, mod_author_url, mod_actions, mod_languages, mod_template, mod_contribs) VALUES (1371074069, '', 'a:1:{s:2:\"en\";s:12:\"Prime Notify\";}', 'Inserts the content of a post or private messages into the notification e-mail.', '1.0.10a', './../store/mods/Prime Notify/install.xml', 'By default, the BBCode tags will be kept intact so the intended formatting can be seen, but this can be changed by opening "includes/prime_notify.php" and setting PRIME_NOTIFY_BBCODES to false (note that [quote] and [code] BBCodes will always be kept). To send out notifications regardless of whether the user has visited the topic since a previous notification, set PRIME_NOTIFY_ALWAYS to true.<br />\n<br />\nCreating, maintaining, and updating MODs requires a lot of time and effort, so if you like this MOD and have the desire to express your thanks through donations, that would be greatly appreciated. My Paypal ID is [email protected], or contact me for my mailing address. The suggested donation amount for this MOD is $5.00 (but any amount will help).', 'primehalo', '[email protected]', 'http://www.absoluteanime.com/admin/mods.htm#notify', 'a:3:{s:3:\"SQL\";a:0:{}s:9:\"NEW_FILES\";a:5:{s:30:\"root/includes/prime_notify.php\";s:25:\"includes/prime_notify.php\";s:45:\"root/language/en/email/prime_notify_forum.txt\";s:40:\"language/en/email/prime_notify_forum.txt\";s:48:\"root/language/en/email/prime_notify_newtopic.txt\";s:43:\"language/en/email/prime_notify_newtopic.txt\";s:45:\"root/language/en/email/prime_notify_topic.txt\";s:40:\"language/en/email/prime_notify_topic.txt\";s:47:\"root/language/en/email/prime_notify_privmsg.txt\";s:42:\"language/en/email/prime_notify_privmsg.txt\";}s:5:\"EDITS\";a:3:{s:30:\"includes/functions_posting.php\";a:6:{i:0;a:1:{s:30:\" AND u.user_id = w.user_id\';\";a:1:{s:9:\"after add\";s:220:\"//-- mod: Prime Notify ------------------------------------------------------//\n global $prime_notify;\n $prime_notify->alter_post_sql($sql);\n//-- end: Prime Notify ------------------------------------------------------//\";}}i:1;a:1:{s:147:\" \'template\' => ($topic_notification) ? \'topic_notify\' : \'newtopic_notify\',\n \'method\' => $row[\'user_notify_type\'],\n \'allowed\' => false\n );\";a:1:{s:9:\"after add\";s:234:\"//-- mod: Prime Notify ------------------------------------------------------//\n $prime_notify->setup_post_template($notify_rows[$row[\'user_id\']], $row);\n//-- end: Prime Notify ------------------------------------------------------//\";}}i:2;a:1:{s:32:\" AND u.user_id = fw.user_id\';\";a:1:{s:9:\"after add\";s:198:\"//-- mod: Prime Notify ------------------------------------------------------//\n $prime_notify->alter_post_sql($sql);\n//-- end: Prime Notify ------------------------------------------------------//\";}}i:3;a:1:{s:107:\" \'template\' => \'forum_notify\',\n \'method\' => $row[\'user_notify_type\'],\n \'allowed\' => false\n );\";a:1:{s:9:\"after add\";s:235:\"//-- mod: Prime Notify ------------------------------------------------------//\n $prime_notify->setup_post_template($notify_rows[$row[\'user_id\']], $row);\n//-- end: Prime Notify ------------------------------------------------------//\";}}i:4;a:1:{s:38:\" $messenger->send($addr[\'method\']);\";a:1:{s:10:\"before add\";s:239:\"//-- mod: Prime Notify ------------------------------------------------------//\n $prime_notify->setup_post_vars($messenger, $addr[\'lang\'], $email_template);\n//-- end: Prime Notify ------------------------------------------------------//\";}}i:5;a:1:{s:136:\" user_notification($mode, $subject, $data[\'topic_title\'], $data[\'forum_name\'], $data[\'forum_id\'], $data[\'topic_id\'], $data[\'post_id\']);\";a:1:{s:10:\"before add\";s:261:\"//-- mod: Prime Notify ------------------------------------------------------//\n include ($phpbb_root_path . \'includes/prime_notify.\' . $phpEx);\n $prime_notify->setup_post($data);\n//-- end: Prime Notify ------------------------------------------------------//\";}}}s:31:\"includes/functions_privmsgs.php\";a:2:{i:0;a:1:{s:107:\" pm_notification($mode, $data[\'from_username\'], $recipients, $subject, $data[\'message\'], $data[\'msg_id\']);\";a:1:{s:10:\"before add\";s:259:\"//-- mod: Prime Notify ------------------------------------------------------//\n include ($phpbb_root_path . \'includes/prime_notify.\' . $phpEx);\n $prime_notify->setup_pm($data);\n//-- end: Prime Notify ------------------------------------------------------//\";}}i:1;a:1:{s:49:\" $messenger->im($addr[\'jabber\'], $addr[\'name\']);\";a:1:{s:9:\"after add\";s:234:\"//-- mod: Prime Notify ------------------------------------------------------//\n global $prime_notify;\n $prime_notify->setup_pm_vars($messenger, $addr);\n//-- end: Prime Notify ------------------------------------------------------//\";}}}s:26:\"includes/mcp/mcp_queue.php\";a:1:{i:0;a:1:{s:101:\" if ($post_id == $post_data[\'topic_first_post_id\'] && $post_id == $post_data[\'topic_last_post_id\'])\";a:1:{s:10:\"before add\";s:268:\"//-- mod: Prime Notify ------------------------------------------------------//\n include ($phpbb_root_path . \'includes/prime_notify.\' . $phpEx);\n $prime_notify->setup_post($post_data);\n//-- end: Prime Notify ------------------------------------------------------//\";}}}}}', '', '', '')


FILE: (not given by php)
LINE: (not given by php)
CALL: msg_handler()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/db/dbal.php
LINE: 754
CALL: trigger_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/db/mysql.php
LINE: 175
CALL: dbal->sql_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/acp/acp_mods.php
LINE: 1262
CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_query()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/acp/acp_mods.php
LINE: 253
CALL: acp_mods->install()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/functions_module.php
LINE: 507
CALL: acp_mods->main()

FILE: [ROOT]/adm/index.php
LINE: 74
CALL: p_master->load_active()
Anyway to fix or install with our new install?
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Re: [RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emai

Post by primehalo »

The mod_contribs field has nothing to do with the Prime Notify MOD, so I think something must have gotten messed up during the upgrade/copy.
Ken F. Innes IV
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Re: [RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emai

Post by Porutchik »

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See http://forum.aeroion.ru/post3876.html#3876
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Re: [RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emails

Post by zaraostre »

I use this mod extensively and I consider upgrading my forum to phphBB 3.1.1
What do you think of that? Will it continue to work ?
Writing from France
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Re: [RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emails

Post by Jackanape »

As I understand 3.1 extensions, no they won't work, unless Prime has the intention of rewriting his mods into extensions. I use it, as well, and would love top know if he has any plans. Prime?
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Re: [RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emails

Post by Martin Day »


I am just in the process of upgrading to 3.1.1, but am reluctant specifically because of the the absence of Prime Notify in the latest version (we cannot now live without it!). So if it counts for anything can I add my voice to those who would love to see Prime Notify live on? I hope you already know how much of a fan of the mod I am ... Regards, Martin
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Re: [RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emails

Post by Jessica »

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Re: [RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emails

Post by kaszkai »

Notify the author of the topic or what?
The description is difficult to read!
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Re: [RC] Prime Notify - Put the message in notification emai

Post by robertmf »

RLHoldenSr wrote:I have upgrade all to:

PHPBB3 V3.0.11
Host: PHP V5.4
Host MySQL V5.
New install of PHPBB3 V3.0.11 with DB and etc copied over
I tried to install Prime notify V1.10a via AutoMod and got a bunch of errors:

Code: Select all

General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]

[b]Unknown column 'mod_contribs' in 'field list' [1054]

Anyway to fix or install with our new install?[/quote]

phpBB3 3.0.14 virgin on localhost php > 5
automod 1.0.2  

[color=#800000][size=150]Same error message!   :twisted: 

Suggestions or hints to a solution ?  

Thanks-in-advance  [/size] :lol: 
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