Vadim007 wrote:
Sorry to be a noob at this, but just need a pointer.
I downloaded the php file here and what do i do now, where on ftp do i put it and work on from there with it ?
it dosen't really matter where you put them. i prefer to put them in /{PHPBB ROOT PATH}/images/ranks, but it's up to you. once you've uploaded them, set the permissions to 777. then, go to the admin panel, the "ranks". There, you will see the ranks there are. to use images in them, when you add a newone (or edit an existing one), in the rank image box, type where the images are located, in relation to the phpbb root path (instead of
http://www.domain.tld/phpBB2/images/ranks/rank.gif, you would type /images/ranks/rank.gif)