If I wanted to change the logo to a .swf file what is the path to change the file name?

You can alter the dimension settings for the tables/table data if you choose to in this part of the coding of the overall_header.html file:Stu83 wrote:what are the dimensions for the entire top strip where this image is located?
Code: Select all
<div id="top_logo">
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td height="150" align="left" valign="middle"><a href="{U_INDEX}">{SITE_LOGO_IMG}</a></td>
<td align="center" valign="middle"><h1>{SITENAME}</h1><span class="gen">{SITE_DESCRIPTION}</span></td>
<td align="right" valign="top"> </td>
The dimensions are used from the styles/black_pearl/imageset.cfg (img_site_logo = sitelogo_small.png*150*150) file, relative to the image being used. You can adjust these settings however using the theme/image editing option in the ACP to define the width, height you wish for your logo to display.Stu83 wrote: also what file is the code relating to it located in,
You have two options for this:Stu83 wrote: so i can change the file name to my banner?
Open overall_header.htmlStu83 wrote: and how could i centralize the new banner?
Code: Select all
<td height="150" align="left" valign="middle"><a href="{U_INDEX}">{SITE_LOGO_IMG}</a></td>
<td align="center" valign="middle"><h1>{SITENAME}</h1><span class="gen">{SITE_DESCRIPTION}</span></td>
<td align="right" valign="top"> </td>
Code: Select all
<td height="150" align="center" valign="middle"><a href="{U_INDEX}">{SITE_LOGO_IMG}</a></td>
This could be a browser issue or a cached version of your site issue If you are the only person experiencing this. It could also be a security problem in the browser, firewall, or anti-virus program(s) at work preventing you from viewing images from your site.Stu83 wrote: also at home, a temporary banner in uploaded was visable, as were edit/quote/reply/new and old post buttons etc but on my work computer they are all invisable, i can hover over them so know they are still there... so far im the only person to have had this problem (from my forum)
what could be causing this as no other websites are different between home and work
styles/black_pearl/imageset.cfgm30ndo wrote:
If I wanted to change the logo to a .swf file what is the path to change the file name?
no other sites have this problem when im at work though, even the actual demo page is fine...RATT wrote:This could be a browser issue or a cached version of your site issue If you are the only person experiencing this. It could also be a security problem in the browser, firewall, or anti-virus program(s) at work preventing you from viewing images from your site.Stu83 wrote: also at home, a temporary banner in uploaded was visable, as were edit/quote/reply/new and old post buttons etc but on my work computer they are all invisable, i can hover over them so know they are still there... so far im the only person to have had this problem (from my forum)
what could be causing this as no other websites are different between home and work
That would not be enough, since SWF won't work in an IMG tag.RATT wrote:styles/black_pearl/imageset.cfgm30ndo wrote:
If I wanted to change the logo to a .swf file what is the path to change the file name?
Fred347 wrote:Hi, I just installed the style Black Pearl. I want to change the area that says "Please delete, move or rename the install directory before you use your board. If this directory is still present, only the Administration Control Panel (ACP) will be accessible." In the title "Information", I have already done this, how can I change this or delete this message, thank you.
This should get you started.ashdaw wrote:I just downloaded this theme. It is really good all I have to do now is to figure out HOW to add it
Thanks for making it available