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if (!$auth->acl_get('a_'))
I wasn't getting the DIY instructions previously, it was just saying it installed. This time around it told me where to upload all the files and I did that and ran the db_update.php and now in the profiles I still have two entries for skype names, but now the text looks like this:RMcGirr83 wrote:It installs fine on 3.0.6 with Automod and the reason you are getting that error in the user control panel is because you didn't follow the DIY instructions (namely browsing to db_update.php to update the database).
I only installed them once though. I hit the install through autoMOD and it came back and gave me DIY instructions for uploading the files and then did the db_update.php and That's what I got. Maybe the second install happened with the db_update.php?RMcGirr83 wrote:Looks like the edits were installed twice.
Well I suppose that's where the problem lies. It didn't tell me that I should ignore the DIY suggestions and it told me to upload all of the files in root to where they belonged in the forum. Not once did my ftp program ask me to overwrite any files.RMcGirr83 wrote:If installed with Automod once, no need to upload the changed files as automod will have already modified those files (the "Success" messages). Unfortunately there is no way for Automod to ignore the DIY instructions which require those instructions for those who install the mod by hand.
I am curious what files you say you uploaded by following the DIY instructions.?
Actually, AutoMOD says it can't uninstall it so that means that once again I'll have to wipe the entire board and reinstall it with my back up files.So your choices, as I see them, are...uninstall the mod with Automod, upload the backups of the files (you made backups prior to doing the install per the install instructions, yes?) and run Automod or go through each file that is edited and make sure there is only one entry per the install instructions. This mod is very involved so it will take some time.
That would be helpful, but that still doesn't explain why the db_update.php gave me the words I showed in the pic above, or why when I enter information and submit it the information is ignored.I suppose the instructions should have "You can ignore the next step if using Automod to install the file" or someting.
The db_update file makes the changes on the database that are required for the mod. Nothing more, nothing less.
I found no instructions in the mod to do this and I switch and refreshed everything in prosilver and subsilver2 and the problem still shows up. Maybe I should just reinstall and then not use autoMOD to install the mod?RMcGirr83 wrote:Please remember if your style is not prosilver or subsilver2 you will style have to modify your style html files per the instructions in the mod depending if your style is prosilver or subsilver2 based.
It will take a while, but I tend to agree.Maybe I should just reinstall and then not use autoMOD to install the mod?