Blank screen when posting Swedish letters

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Blank screen when posting Swedish letters

Post by Hennas »

I upgraded to PhpBB 3.0.2 a few weeks ago and everything has been running fine since. But when I came home from a short vacation some days ago I was unable to post or preview any posts containing the Swedish letters å, ä or ö. All i get when trying to post or preview these letters is a blank screen...?

I can't remember changing any datebase settings or doing anything to the forum via FTP and the errorlogg is empty...

Any ideas what could be the problem or the solution?

I'm running:
PhpBB 3.0.2
PHP Version 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.3
Mysql 5.0.51a
Swedish Language pack

If you need any other information let me know!
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Re: Blank screen when posting Swedish letters

Post by Hennas »

I managed to solve the issues I had and thought I'd post the solution here just in case anyone encounters similar problems:

Apparently "someone", I suspect my web host, had lowered the amount of allowed PHP-memory to a value lower than what is needed for the swedish letters Å, Ä and Ö. I changed this locally in my /forum/htaccess file (php_value memory_limit).
And now everything works fine again!!
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Re: Blank screen when posting Swedish letters

Post by bibbror »

Hennas wrote:I managed to solve the issues I had and thought I'd post the solution here just in case anyone encounters similar problems:

Apparently "someone", I suspect my web host, had lowered the amount of allowed PHP-memory to a value lower than what is needed for the swedish letters Å, Ä and Ö. I changed this locally in my /forum/htaccess file (php_value memory_limit).
And now everything works fine again!!
I have the same problem!
Can you please post a clip of the file to show me what you have changed to get it to work.


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