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Re: proFormell

Post by Lythandra »

Stuck an image in and it works well. I like how it handles different screen resolutions and it even rounds the corners of my image. Nice job.
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Re: proFormell

Post by Michlerish »

I would like to switch the order of the "Save", "Preview", and "Submit" buttons so that Submit is the first or left-most button.

I have users that use key-shortcuts instead of a mouse, and they are complaining that they always push the Preview button by mistake.

I've looked in posting_editor.html and posting_buttons.html files but I can't seem to find the proper codes to change. Could you please tell me how to do this, or where to look?

Thank you! :)
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Re: proFormell

Post by Bonky »

Found a quick and dirty way to reduce the screen-width of this theme. Love the theme, but don't need it to stretch to the edges of the screen.

I'm no programmer, but here's how I did it:


Find this:

Code: Select all

html, body {
	color: #000000;
	background-color: #aba7a0;
Change to this:

Code: Select all

html, body {
	color: #000000;
	background-color: #aba7a0;
	padding: 0 75px;
change '75' to whatever you want. Larger value will make the width of the forum smaller. Only problem is that if a user has a screen that's very narrow, the forced padding on the left will at some (rather extreme) point prevent the forum from centering within the window. I can't imagine somebody having a screen so narrow as to make this happen though.

I'm sure there's a better way but I couldn't find it and didn't want to spend all night looking. I'm no coder. Tried in the #wrap section of the common.css file with a 'max-width' but that only shrank the text area. The white area between it and the gray border wouldn't shrink.
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Re: proFormell

Post by Marc »

Yes there is a better way to do this:
Open proFormell/theme/colours.css


Code: Select all

#box {
	position: relative;
	margin-left: auto;
	margin-right: auto;	
	margin-top: 0px;
	padding: 0;
	text-align: left;
	width:95%;				/* <-- use this to tie width to viewport size */
	min-width: 660px;
Change width to the value you desire (it's the outside width of the border).
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Re: proFormell

Post by Bonky »

whoops, didn't even see that down there :)

I kept the 95% but threw in a max-width of 900 or whatever.
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Re: proFormell

Post by Jaifaime »

Excellent style, one of my favorite!

Edit: Removed question (changed this to avoid the problem).

Edit 2: Wow you replied fast lol, thought I would edit this before it was even seen XD. Definitely appreciate your looking into this !
Last edited by Jaifaime on Wed Mar 03, 2010 6:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: proFormell

Post by Marc »

I'd just play around a little bit with the code.
Maybe this helps:
Open proFormell/theme/colours.css

Code: Select all

.inside {
   color: #000000;                 /* YCC: default text-color of the inside */
   margin-left: 5px;              /* YCC: all texts at some distance of the left border */
   margin-right: 5px;   /* YCC: all texts at some distance of the right border */
   width: auto;
   background-color: white; /* CHANGE: path and name of your image */

Code: Select all

   background-color: white; /* CHANGE: path and name of your image */
After add:

Code: Select all

   margin-top: -16px;
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Re: proFormell

Post by BA172 »

I really like this style, I'm hoping I can match it up to a Wordpress site I plan to setup.
Anyways, I loaded it and made some basic changes (background, logo, etc) and then realized that this style is based on prosilver. I wasn't thinking much about it at first, but I really don't care for the way prosilver puts the member info on the right instead of the left like subsilver2. So as I'm stumbling through some knowledge base articles on other things I found this: ... s-on-left/

I went through the directions, expecting that something would likely break in the process, but found that only one thing (that I can tell) is now broken. If you look at my test site here:

It looks like the "Board Index" (breadcrumbs) has shifted from the left to the right side. Am I correct that I haven't broken anything else? And if nothing else is broken, can you help me fix this one problem so I can keep the profile info on the left?

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

Oh, PS - can you tell me how to center my new logo in the overall_header? I know that I can adjust the pixel spacing in the common.css, but I'd love to just center it instead of spacing it into place.
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Re: proFormell

Post by Marc »

Can't see the style. ;)
Could you create a test account that has the permission to preview styles (it's inside the admin permissions set) and send me the details of that account via PM?
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Re: proFormell

Post by BA172 »

Not to sound too stupid, but to do that I'd actually have to logout and create a new account, then set permissions, correct?

I freely admit that I have struggled to admin this software since I set this forum up, if it weren't for great guys like you I'd have never gotten this far!

If I'm wrong, is there actually a place in the ACP that allows me to create test accounts?

Thanks for your help.
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Re: proFormell

Post by Marc »

There is a MOD that will allow creating users from inside the ACP, but I would just do it the way you said. Logout, create a new user, then after that log in with your admin user again and set the permissions for the test account.
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Re: proFormell

Post by Marc »

I don't know what tutorial you used, but try this one: ... f=17&t=528

After you have finished, open theme/content.css and find:

Code: Select all

.postprofile {
   /* Also see tweaks.css */
   margin: 5px 0 10px 0;
   min-height: 80px;
   color: #666666;
   width: 22%;
   float: left;
   display: inline;
Replace with:

Code: Select all

.postprofile {
   /* Also see tweaks.css */
   margin: 5px 0 10px 0;
   min-height: 80px;
   color: #666666;
   width: 22%;
   float: left;
   display: inline;
   margin-top: 35px;
A new online image can be found here at the end of the topic: ... 4&p=53#p53
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Re: proFormell

Post by BA172 »

This is the tutorial I used: ... s-on-left/

I linked it in my original post above.

I don't know how it compares to the link you provided, I just know that everything except this one item (the breadcrumbs) seems to have worked properly. Are you saying that this:
marc1706 wrote:After you have finished, open theme/content.css and find:

Code: Select all

.postprofile {
   /* Also see tweaks.css */
   margin: 5px 0 10px 0;
   min-height: 80px;
   color: #666666;
   width: 22%;
   float: left;
   display: inline;
Replace with:

Code: Select all

.postprofile {
   /* Also see tweaks.css */
   margin: 5px 0 10px 0;
   min-height: 80px;
   color: #666666;
   width: 22%;
   float: left;
   display: inline;
   margin-top: 35px;
is what I need to do to fix the breadcrumb issue? I apologize if I'm being dense, but the second link you provided shows a forum that still has the user info on the right hand side so I don't understand how it applies to my situation.

And on an unrelated note, can you tell me how to center my logo in the overall_header? I know that I can adjust the pixel spacing in the common.css, but I'd love to just center it instead of spacing it into place.

Thanks again for your time. ;)
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Re: proFormell

Post by Marc »

Hm, have you tried reducing the height of your logo? As far as I see, you are missing the bottom rounded corners, and I suspect that this might be causing your issue.

For centering the logo, try this:
Open proFormell/theme/common.css

Code: Select all

#logo {
	width: auto;
	padding: 0px 0px 0 0px;
Replace with:

Code: Select all

#logo {
	width: auto;
	padding: 0px 0px 0 0px;
	margin: 0 auto;
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Re: proFormell

Post by BA172 »

You were absolutely right about the logo image causing the problem, I tweaked the image and it immediately fixed the bread crumb indenting problem I was dealing with. With that issue resolved I moved onto the centering of the logo following your directions:
marc1706 wrote:For centering the logo, try this:
Open proFormell/theme/common.css

Code: Select all

#logo {
	width: auto;
	padding: 0px 0px 0 0px;
Replace with:

Code: Select all

#logo {
	width: auto;
	padding: 0px 0px 0 0px;
	margin: 0 auto;
After making those changes and uploading the file I purged the cache and refreshed everything through the ACP - and it didn't change a thing. Is there something over-riding this somewhere that prevents it from working? :?
One other quick question - after sorting out the change to move the avatar and such to the left and the content to the right I tweaked the width percentages for these. I edited the content.css as follows:

Code: Select all

.postbody {
	width: 76%;
was changed to:

Code: Select all

.postbody {
	width: 85%;
And I changed:

Code: Select all

.postprofile {
	width: 22%;
To this:

Code: Select all

.postprofile {
	width: 14%;
I know that it is OK to change the percentages, my concern is that the original numbers were 76%+22%=98% but my edited numbers are 85%+14%=99%. I originally changed them to 84%+14%=98% to keep the 98%, but I didn't like the spacing so I changed it again. Can you foresee any problem this might cause? I really just wanted to fix the .postprofile to a fixed width of about 205px, but I couldn't figure out how to have the .postbody adjust accordingly.

Thanks again for your time, that was a great catch noticing the logo problem - I would have spent an eternity trying to figure it out. ;)

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