I'm not exactly sure what you think either the default single page method or this mod is supposed to do. The default single page dumps the information to an HTML page (which is exactly how it works on phpBB.com). How do you think it worked before?MKULTRA wrote:I doubled checked and am fairly certain I installed this correctly, now when I go into print view for both this MOD and the default single page method, the view I see is the HTML dumped out onto the page. Am I the only one that has had this issue?
MKULTRA wrote:Oh really, that sort of defeats the purpose of printing a thread. Saving it into a file as an additional option is one thing, but it should still permit outright black and white printing of a simple format page, as is the default. This is including everything, even the header information. I think this MOD needs to be updated, in its current state it is not very practical.

This mod does EXACTLY what the default print thread option in phpBB3 does, with the exception of showing all posts within a topic, not just the posts on a given page within that topic. After clicking the icon and once the page is loaded, you just click "File Print" in the browser to print it out or "File Save As" (or "File Save") to save the HTML page shown.
For instance, in this topic if I click on the default print page I am shown this for the header
which shows this as the last post from the default print function
then when I click on the print all icon, the header remains the same but low and behold the last post is now shown as this
So, other than the "page 1 of 2" not being given in the display output, all of the posts within the topic are given.
I guess I don't understand why you think this mod is any different than the default print function of phpBB3, with the exception of showing all the posts in the topic as opposed to just those on a particular page of that topic.