Code: Select all
Some queries failed, the statements and errors are listing below.
SQL: ALTER TABLE phpbb_banlist ADD ban_banner mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0'Error: Duplicate column name 'ban_banner'
Not possibleCMA wrote:anyway i would like to request two features...
- history of banned list...
Don't know what you are asking- hide banned starter
Works fine for me.Joshuaxiong1 wrote:Has anyone confirm this work for 3.0.6?
TryCMA wrote:yes i thought it would be best idea to avoid some issues... so everyone except mod/admin...
Code: Select all
// we gots us some results ?
Code: Select all
// who can view who did the banning
$view_bannee = false;
if ($auth->acl_getf_global('m_') || $auth->acl_get('a_'))
$view_bannee = true;
Code: Select all
if (!empty($row['user_id2']))
Code: Select all
if (!empty($row['user_id2']) && $view_bannee)