DavidIQ wrote:Sunka wrote:What should I do? It looks that I will have to stay stucked in v3.0.2
With 130 mods? I'd say you are and there's nothing that can really be done unless you know what the MODs are and what code changes have been done so when you do a dif between your files and the changed files you'd be able to tell what's what. I didn't even realize we had that many MODDB-approved MODs!

There are a LOT of approved mods:
I also have about 120 of them installed and when I ran the auto update it basically said that every files was messed up.
I know that I am not the only one who has this problem as many others I know who have a board that has even less mods than I do, are having severe problems.
We NEED to have EASY TO USE line by line CODE CHANGES as used to be done with ver 2.
Not only because not ALL of the mod authors keep their mods updated, but because at times we have had to move code around to get it to the place where we need it to appear.
By making us update ONLY with this new system, you are killing numerous boards because of the numerous errors that must be corrected before it can ever be used again.
The whole reason most of us are using phpBB is because of all the modifications that can be added.
Without being able to do the new updates, the boards are slowly being rendered useless for the future.
I resisted moving from phpBB2 but finally did when it looked like ver 3 was working well enough that most modifications could be redone for it. The ver 3 creators assured us that this upgrade was necessary and once done would be much better than ver 2. Perhaps if all these modifications were built into the software, it would not be so bad. But by wanting to have a unique board you are telling us to start over AGAIN or use a base board and not complain.
I nurtured my ver 2 board for years and was really upset to have to rebuild it all over again to ver 3.
Now it looks like it would be necessary at each and every update, where I would have to re-install each one of the 120+ mods I use...not to mention any new ones I want to add.
It took months to add them all as it is, and I just don’t have the time to be re-adding and re-working these continuously as a FULL TIME JOB!!!
By NOT making the code changes EASILY available, you are killing the community of people who want to have a board that is different from the numerous boring vanilla boards. My users want something different and if I was forced to use a base board, I would lose all my members as soon as they saw the new look.
Needless to say, I and MANY others are
NOT pleased with the way this is progressing. We were assured that by migrating from ver 2, we would NOT have any problems....but I see this as a HUGE problem that is big enough to stop people from doing any new upgrades and are now forcing us/them to look for other board software that is EASY to update.
I implore you to make the code changes available in an EASY TO USE format....