The PM itself was polite enough, it was just the fact that you sent it so soon after posting that was a bit impolite.
I'll investigate the SubSilver theming, as I mainly work with ProSilver (or my own theme that uses a tidied up ProSilver base), but a link to your forums might help me see what is wrong and what the HTML should be.
[edit] It's a simple fix to the HTML (nothing much to do with phpBB). I just had a quick hunt for the theme you use and the HTML is slightly different to Subsilver.
The instructions in the MOD tell you to open styles/subsilver2/template/viewtopic_body.html and find:
Code: Select all
<!-- IF postrow.RANK_IMG -->
<!-- ENDIF -->
but styles/BF_Vista_Static/template/viewtopic_body.html (the one I looked at) has:
Code: Select all
<!-- IF postrow.RANK_IMG -->
<!-- ENDIF -->
That means you need to add <center> tags inside the new <td> tags (which is hellish ugly IMO and could be done better with CSS, but that's what the theme designer wanted to do). What you need to add ends up as:
Code: Select all
<!-- IF postrow.EXTRA_RANK_TITLE -->
<td class="postdetails"><center>{postrow.EXTRA_RANK_TITLE}</center></td>
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- IF postrow.EXTRA_RANK_IMG -->
<!-- ENDIF -->