All 3.0.x styles released in our Styles Database can be found here. All discussion or support regarding an individual style should take place in that style's own area in the Customisations Database.
NOTICE: This forum is only for the announcement of releases and/or updates for styles. Any style support should be obtained through the Customisations Database in the support area designated for each style.
A direct link to support for each Style is in the first post of the respective topic.
Can someone verify and figure out how to make the Smartfeed mod compatible with this template? I want to be able to put rss news feed on my site. I'm using version 3.0.4.
cool , i just downloaded phpbb3 and going to use it for the first time , 2.0 styles of CA were the best , i came here to see if i can find any style with CA prefix , i couldnt find any , but i remember the name
thank you ca , i am really happy to know that you are still contributing to and helping PHPBB community
one question CA ,i downloaded phpbb 3.0.4 , and this template is for 3.0.3 , is there any template changes in 3.0.4 ?
Can you kindly tell me how to get this to work with the Collapsible Categories mod? I'd really appreciate it, since my forums have a LOT of sub-forums.
Hey, I need help. I just got the new forum 3.0.2, and I need to know how to upload and where what goes. Serenity looks great and I would like to use it. Please tell me, I already downloaded to my PC, how to add it to the forum.