Getaway is based on Subsilver2.Sandy7 wrote:Hi,
Three questions, hopefully simple!
1. What is Getaway style based on ? ProSilver? SubSilver?
2. Is it possible for us to adjust the "red" hue in the color? i.e., can we tweak the color of red in the blue+red combo?
3. I would like to add Quick Reply. Are these instructions applicable? ... 5#p4782765 If there are changes, please clarify.
(Not very tech savvy; new to phpBB)
For question 2 I am sure you can but I will let the mod author or someone he uses this style more often then I answer where.
Question 3 you would use the directions for subsilver2, but code you are asked to search for in subsilver2 may not be exactly the same in Getaway. But in most cases it will be close.