Avatar of poster on Index and Viewforum

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Re: Avatar of poster on Index and Viewforum

Post by lefty74 »

could you paste the code around this edit from your iincludes/functions_display.php pse

Code: Select all

		$avatar_max_dimensions = $avatar_width = $avatar_height = '';
		if ( !empty($row['forum_last_poster_avatar']) )
			$avatar_max_dimensions = 40; // here you can change the max-width you would like to have the avatars displayed
			if ( $row['forum_last_poster_avatar_width'] >= $row['forum_last_poster_avatar_height'] )
				$avatar_width = ( $row['forum_last_poster_avatar_width'] > $avatar_max_dimensions ) ? $avatar_max_dimensions : $row['forum_last_poster_avatar_width'] ;
				$avatar_height = ( $avatar_width == $avatar_max_dimensions ) ? round($avatar_max_dimensions / $row['forum_last_poster_avatar_width'] * $row['forum_last_poster_avatar_height']) : $row['forum_last_poster_avatar_height'] ;
				$avatar_height = ( $row['forum_last_poster_avatar_height'] > $avatar_max_dimensions ) ? $avatar_max_dimensions : $row['forum_last_poster_avatar_height'] ;
				$avatar_width = ( $avatar_height == $avatar_max_dimensions ) ? round($avatar_max_dimensions / $row['forum_last_poster_avatar_height'] * $row['forum_last_poster_avatar_width']) : $row['forum_last_poster_avatar_width'] ;
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Re: Avatar of poster on Index and Viewforum

Post by lovelysummer »

Here is ,

Code: Select all

	// Used to tell whatever we have to create a dummy category or not.
	$last_catless = true;
	foreach ($forum_rows as $row)
		// Empty category
		if ($row['parent_id'] == $root_data['forum_id'] && $row['forum_type'] == FORUM_CAT)
		$avatar_max_dimensions = $avatar_width = $avatar_height = '40';
		if ( !empty($row['forum_last_poster_avatar']) )
			$avatar_max_dimensions = 40; // here you can change the max-width you would like to have the avatars displayed
			if ( $row['forum_last_poster_avatar_width'] >= $row['forum_last_poster_avatar_height'] )
				$avatar_width = ( $row['forum_last_poster_avatar_width'] > $avatar_max_dimensions ) ? $avatar_max_dimensions : $row['forum_last_poster_avatar_width'] ;
				$avatar_height = ( $avatar_width == $avatar_max_dimensions ) ? round($avatar_max_dimensions / $row['forum_last_poster_avatar_width'] * $row['forum_last_poster_avatar_height']) : $row['forum_last_poster_avatar_height'] ;
				$avatar_height = ( $row['forum_last_poster_avatar_height'] > $avatar_max_dimensions ) ? $avatar_max_dimensions : $row['forum_last_poster_avatar_height'] ;
				$avatar_width = ( $avatar_height == $avatar_max_dimensions ) ? round($avatar_max_dimensions / $row['forum_last_poster_avatar_height'] * $row['forum_last_poster_avatar_width']) : $row['forum_last_poster_avatar_width'] ;

		$template->assign_block_vars('forumrow', array(
				'S_IS_CAT'				=> true,
				'FORUM_ID'				=> $row['forum_id'],
				'FORUM_NAME'			=> $row['forum_name'],
Thank you.
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Re: Avatar of poster on Index and Viewforum

Post by lefty74 »

wrong edit, i am afraid.

you needed to put the code before

Code: Select all

		$template->assign_block_vars('forumrow', array(
			'S_IS_CAT'			=> false,

Code: Select all

		$template->assign_block_vars('forumrow', array(
			'S_IS_CAT'			=> true,
zoocrew.eu - help us save our wildlife
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Re: Avatar of poster on Index and Viewforum

Post by lovelysummer »

Thankyou very much , Lefty74.

When I searched the code , I didn't notice the second line 'S_IS_CAT' => false,and Notepad ++ only seach only the first line. That is my mistake.

Thanks again for your time and instruction. Everything works fine now :D
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Re: Avatar of poster on Index and Viewforum

Post by Fred69 »

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Re: Avatar of poster on Index and Viewforum

Post by stylerro »

Hi lefty!!

i instaled your mod with automod and i got 2 errors in 2 files.Pls see the att pic.

i tryng to modify manul these files ,but working only in index page.
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Avatar of poster on Index and Viewforum

Post by DavidIQ »

MOD Updated to version 1.2.1a
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How can I make avatars appear in the Author column only?

Post by paulnicholson »

Hi Lefty,

Happy new decade. :D

I was just wondering if you could instruct me on how to ONLY make the avatars appear in the Author column (first post) of the Topic list. I don't want it on my Forum list (Index page) or most recent reply (last post). I've made 28 modifications so far, but I think I can juggle around the altered scripts. Do you have a screen shot of the ACP control? If I can switch functions there then it's all good. I spent two hours installing and uninstalling this mod the first time because I was tired and probably made a few mistakes (especially when I clicked Find Next in Dreamweaver an unknown number of times when the same script was used severally within the same file).
TN up gradient forum bg 2010-01-23 copy.png
This is how neat my index page looks. Avatars would mess it up.


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Re: Avatar of poster on Index and Viewforum

Post by lefty74 »

hi, if i understand correctly then don't do the template edits for styles/prosilver/template/forumlist_body.html and only the first one for styles/prosilver/template/viewforum_body.html.
zoocrew.eu - help us save our wildlife
My MODS | Due to lack of time I unfortunately am unable to work on my mods anymore, anyone who has ideas to improve them and would like to take any of them over, please PM me.
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Re: Avatar of poster on Index and Viewforum

Post by paulnicholson »

Thanks. I'll try that. I'm using subsilver2 but your advice probably works the same way. :D
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Re: Avatar of poster on Index and Viewforum

Post by paulnicholson »

I've just spent another three hours installing this mod. I'm getting a blank screen and cannot enter my site.

My styles/milky_way/template/viewforum_body.html file looks like this:

Code: Select all

<!-- INCLUDE overall_header.html -->

<!-- INCLUDE breadcrumbs.html -->
<br />

	<div class="forumrules">
		<!-- IF U_FORUM_RULES -->
			<h3>{L_FORUM_RULES}</h3><br />
			<a href="{U_FORUM_RULES}"><b>{L_FORUM_RULES_LINK}</b></a>
		<!-- ELSE -->
			<h3>{L_FORUM_RULES}</h3><br />
		<!-- ENDIF -->

	<br clear="all" />
<!-- ENDIF -->

	<div><div class="tbl-h-l"><div class="tbl-h-r"><div class="tbl-h-c"><div class="tbl-title">{L_ACTIVE_TOPICS}</div></div></div></div>
	<table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

		<!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->
			<th colspan="3">&nbsp;{L_TOPICS}&nbsp;</th>
		<!-- ELSE -->
			<th colspan="2">&nbsp;{L_TOPICS}&nbsp;</th>
		<!-- ENDIF -->

	<!-- BEGIN topicrow -->

			<td class="row1" width="25" align="center">{topicrow.TOPIC_FOLDER_IMG}</td>
			<!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->
				<td class="row1" width="25" align="center"><!-- IF topicrow.TOPIC_ICON_IMG --><img src="{T_ICONS_PATH}{topicrow.TOPIC_ICON_IMG}" width="{topicrow.TOPIC_ICON_IMG_WIDTH}" height="{topicrow.TOPIC_ICON_IMG_HEIGHT}" alt="" title="" /><!-- ENDIF --></td>
			<!-- ENDIF -->
			<td class="row1">
				<!-- IF topicrow.S_UNREAD_TOPIC --><a href="{topicrow.U_NEWEST_POST}">{NEWEST_POST_IMG}</a><!-- ENDIF -->
				{topicrow.ATTACH_ICON_IMG} <!-- IF topicrow.S_HAS_POLL or topicrow.S_TOPIC_MOVED --><b>{topicrow.TOPIC_TYPE}</b> <!-- ENDIF --><a title="{L_POSTED}: {topicrow.FIRST_POST_TIME}" href="{topicrow.U_VIEW_TOPIC}"class="topictitle">{topicrow.TOPIC_TITLE}</a>
				<!-- IF topicrow.S_TOPIC_UNAPPROVED or topicrow.S_POSTS_UNAPPROVED -->
					<a href="{topicrow.U_MCP_QUEUE}">{UNAPPROVED_IMG}</a>&nbsp;
				<!-- ENDIF -->
				<!-- IF topicrow.S_TOPIC_REPORTED -->
					<a href="{topicrow.U_MCP_REPORT}">{REPORTED_IMG}</a>&nbsp;
				<!-- ENDIF -->
				<!-- IF topicrow.PAGINATION -->
					<p class="gensmall"> [ {GOTO_PAGE_IMG}{L_GOTO_PAGE}: {topicrow.PAGINATION} ] </p>
				<!-- ENDIF -->
			<td class="row2" width="130" align="center"><p class="topicauthor">{topicrow.TOPIC_AUTHOR_FULL}</p></td><td class="row1" width="140" align="center">
				<p class="topicdetails" style="white-space: nowrap;">{topicrow.LAST_POST_TIME}</p>
				<p class="topicdetails">{topicrow.LAST_POST_AUTHOR_FULL}
					<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT --><a href="{topicrow.U_LAST_POST}">{LAST_POST_IMG}</a><!-- ENDIF -->

	<!-- BEGINELSE -->

			<!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->
				<td class="row1" colspan="7" height="30" align="center" valign="middle"><span class="gen"><!-- IF not S_SORT_DAYS -->{L_NO_TOPICS}<!-- ELSE -->{L_NO_TOPICS_TIME_FRAME}<!-- ENDIF --></span></td>
			<!-- ELSE -->
				<td class="row1" colspan="6" height="30" align="center" valign="middle"><span class="gen"><!-- IF not S_SORT_DAYS -->{L_NO_TOPICS}<!-- ELSE -->{L_NO_TOPICS_TIME_FRAME}<!-- ENDIF --></span></td>
			<!-- ENDIF -->
	<!-- END topicrow -->

	<tr><td class="cat-bottom" colspan="<!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->7<!-- ELSE -->6<!-- ENDIF -->">&nbsp;</td></tr>
	<div class="tbl-f-l"><div class="tbl-f-r"><div class="tbl-f-c">&nbsp;</div></div></div></div>

	<br clear="all" />
<!-- ENDIF -->

	<!-- INCLUDE forumlist_body.html -->
	<br clear="all" />
<!-- ENDIF -->

	<div id="pageheader">
		<h2><a class="titles" href="{U_VIEW_FORUM}">{FORUM_NAME}</a></h2>

		<!-- IF MODERATORS -->
			<p class="moderators"><!-- IF S_SINGLE_MODERATOR -->{L_MODERATOR}<!-- ELSE -->{L_MODERATORS}<!-- ENDIF -->: {MODERATORS}</p>
		<!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- IF U_MCP -->
			<p class="linkmcp">[ <a href="{U_MCP}">{L_MCP}</a> ]</p>
		<!-- ENDIF -->

	<br clear="all" /><br />
<!-- ENDIF -->

<div id="pagecontent">

	<div><div class="tbl-h-l"><div class="tbl-h-r"><div class="tbl-h-c"><div class="tbl-title">&nbsp;</div></div></div></div>
	<table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
	<tr><td class="row1" height="30" align="center" valign="middle"><span class="gen">{L_NO_READ_ACCESS}</span></td></tr>
	<tr><td class="cat-bottom">&nbsp;</td></tr>
	<div class="tbl-f-l"><div class="tbl-f-r"><div class="tbl-f-c">&nbsp;</div></div></div></div>

	<!-- IF not S_USER_LOGGED_IN and not S_IS_BOT -->

		<br /><br />

		<form method="post" action="{S_LOGIN_ACTION}">

		<div><div class="tbl-h-l"><div class="tbl-h-r"><div class="tbl-h-c"><div class="tbl-title"><h4><a href="{U_LOGIN_LOGOUT}">{L_LOGIN_LOGOUT}</a></h4></div></div></div></div>
		<table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
			<td class="row1" align="center"><span class="genmed">{L_USERNAME}:</span> <input class="post" type="text" name="username" size="10" />&nbsp; <span class="genmed">{L_PASSWORD}:</span> <input class="post" type="password" name="password" size="10" /><!-- IF S_AUTOLOGIN_ENABLED -->&nbsp; <span class="gensmall">{L_LOG_ME_IN}</span> <input type="checkbox" class="radio" name="autologin" /><!-- ENDIF -->&nbsp; <input type="submit" class="btnmain" name="login" value="{L_LOGIN}" /></td>
		<tr><td class="cat-bottom">&nbsp;</td></tr>
		<div class="tbl-f-l"><div class="tbl-f-r"><div class="tbl-f-c">&nbsp;</div></div></div></div>


	<!-- ENDIF -->

	<br clear="all" />
<!-- ENDIF -->

		<table width="100%" cellspacing="1">
			<!-- IF S_DISPLAY_POST_INFO and not S_IS_BOT -->
				<td align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN}" valign="middle"><a href="{U_POST_NEW_TOPIC}">{POST_IMG}</a></td>
			<!-- ENDIF -->
			<!-- IF TOTAL_TOPICS -->
				<td class="nav" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap">&nbsp;{PAGE_NUMBER}<br /></td>
				<td class="gensmall" nowrap="nowrap">&nbsp;[ {TOTAL_TOPICS} ]&nbsp;</td>
				<td class="gensmall" width="100%" align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}" nowrap="nowrap"><!-- INCLUDE pagination.html --></td>
			<!-- ENDIF -->
	<!-- ENDIF -->

	<!-- IF not S_DISPLAY_ACTIVE and (S_IS_POSTABLE or .topicrow) -->
		<div><div class="tbl-h-l"><div class="tbl-h-r"><div class="tbl-h-c"><div class="tbl-title"><h4><a href="{U_VIEW_FORUM}">{FORUM_NAME}</a></h4></div></div></div></div>
		<table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
			<td class="cat" colspan="<!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->7<!-- ELSE -->6<!-- ENDIF -->">
				<table width="100%" cellspacing="0">
				<tr class="nav">
					<td valign="middle">&nbsp;<!-- IF S_WATCH_FORUM_LINK and not S_IS_BOT --><a href="{S_WATCH_FORUM_LINK}">{S_WATCH_FORUM_TITLE}</a><!-- ENDIF --></td>
					<td align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}" valign="middle"><!-- IF not S_IS_BOT and U_MARK_TOPICS --><a href="{U_MARK_TOPICS}">{L_MARK_TOPICS_READ}</a><!-- ENDIF -->&nbsp;</td>

			<!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->
				<th colspan="3">&nbsp;{L_TOPICS}&nbsp;</th>
			<!-- ELSE -->
				<th colspan="2">&nbsp;{L_TOPICS}&nbsp;</th>
			<!-- ENDIF -->

		<!-- BEGIN topicrow -->

			<!-- IF topicrow.S_TOPIC_TYPE_SWITCH eq 1 -->
				<tr><td class="row3" colspan="<!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->7<!-- ELSE -->6<!-- ENDIF -->"><b class="gensmall">{L_ANNOUNCEMENTS}</b></td></tr>
			<!-- ELSEIF topicrow.S_TOPIC_TYPE_SWITCH eq 0 -->
				<tr><td class="row3" colspan="<!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->7<!-- ELSE -->6<!-- ENDIF -->"><b class="gensmall">{L_TOPICS}</b></td></tr>
			<!-- ENDIF -->

				<td class="row1" width="25" align="center">{topicrow.TOPIC_FOLDER_IMG}</td>
				<!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->
					<td class="row1" width="25" align="center"><!-- IF topicrow.TOPIC_ICON_IMG --><img src="{T_ICONS_PATH}{topicrow.TOPIC_ICON_IMG}" width="{topicrow.TOPIC_ICON_IMG_WIDTH}" height="{topicrow.TOPIC_ICON_IMG_HEIGHT}" alt="" title="" /><!-- ENDIF --></td>
				<!-- ENDIF -->
				<td class="row1">
					<!-- IF topicrow.S_UNREAD_TOPIC --><a href="{topicrow.U_NEWEST_POST}">{NEWEST_POST_IMG}</a><!-- ENDIF -->
					{topicrow.ATTACH_ICON_IMG} <!-- IF topicrow.S_HAS_POLL or topicrow.S_TOPIC_MOVED --><b>{topicrow.TOPIC_TYPE}</b> <!-- ENDIF --><a title="{L_POSTED}: {topicrow.FIRST_POST_TIME}" href="{topicrow.U_VIEW_TOPIC}" class="topictitle">{topicrow.TOPIC_TITLE}</a>
					<!-- IF topicrow.S_TOPIC_UNAPPROVED or topicrow.S_POSTS_UNAPPROVED -->
						<a href="{topicrow.U_MCP_QUEUE}">{topicrow.UNAPPROVED_IMG}</a>&nbsp;
					<!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF topicrow.S_TOPIC_REPORTED -->
						<a href="{topicrow.U_MCP_REPORT}">{REPORTED_IMG}</a>&nbsp;
					<!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF topicrow.PAGINATION -->
						<p class="gensmall"> [ {GOTO_PAGE_IMG}{L_GOTO_PAGE}: {topicrow.PAGINATION} ] </p>
					<!-- ENDIF -->
				<td class="row2" width="130" align="center"><p class="topicauthor">{topicrow.TOPIC_AUTHOR_FULL}</p></td><td class="row1" width="140" align="center">
					<p class="topicdetails" style="white-space: nowrap;">{topicrow.LAST_POST_TIME}</p>
					<p class="topicdetails">{topicrow.LAST_POST_AUTHOR_FULL}
						<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT --><a href="{topicrow.U_LAST_POST}">{LAST_POST_IMG}</a><!-- ENDIF -->

		<!-- BEGINELSE -->
			<!-- IF S_IS_POSTABLE -->
				<td class="row1" colspan="<!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->7<!-- ELSE -->6<!-- ENDIF -->" height="30" align="center" valign="middle">
					<span class="gen"><!-- IF not S_SORT_DAYS -->{L_NO_TOPICS}<!-- ELSE -->{L_NO_TOPICS_TIME_FRAME}<!-- ENDIF --></span>
			<!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- END topicrow -->

		<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->
			<td class="cat-bottom" colspan="<!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->7<!-- ELSE -->6<!-- ENDIF -->">
				<form method="post" action="{S_FORUM_ACTION}"><span class="gensmall">{L_DISPLAY_TOPICS}:</span>&nbsp;{S_SELECT_SORT_DAYS}&nbsp;<span class="gensmall">{L_SORT_BY}</span> {S_SELECT_SORT_KEY} {S_SELECT_SORT_DIR}&nbsp;<input class="btnlite" type="submit" name="sort" value="{L_GO}" /></form>
		<!-- ENDIF -->
		<div class="tbl-f-l"><div class="tbl-f-r"><div class="tbl-f-c">&nbsp;</div></div></div></div>
	<!-- ENDIF -->

		<table width="100%" cellspacing="1">
			<!-- IF S_DISPLAY_POST_INFO and not S_IS_BOT -->
				<td align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN}" valign="middle"><a href="{U_POST_NEW_TOPIC}">{POST_IMG}</a></td>
			<!-- ENDIF -->
			<!-- IF TOTAL_TOPICS -->
				<td class="nav" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap">&nbsp;{PAGE_NUMBER}<br /></td>
				<td class="gensmall" nowrap="nowrap">&nbsp;[ {TOTAL_TOPICS} ]&nbsp;</td>
				<td class="gensmall" width="100%" align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}" nowrap="nowrap"><!-- INCLUDE pagination.html --></td>
			<!-- ENDIF -->
	<!-- ENDIF -->

	<br clear="all" />

<!-- INCLUDE breadcrumbs.html -->

	<br clear="all" />

	<div><div class="tbl-h-l"><div class="tbl-h-r"><div class="tbl-h-c"><div class="tbl-title"><h4>{L_WHO_IS_ONLINE}</h4></div></div></div></div>
	<table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
	<tr><td class="row1"><p class="gensmall">{LOGGED_IN_USER_LIST}</p></td></tr>
	<tr><td class="cat-bottom">&nbsp;</td></tr>
	<div class="tbl-f-l"><div class="tbl-f-r"><div class="tbl-f-c">&nbsp;</div></div></div></div>
<!-- ENDIF -->

	<br clear="all" />

	<table width="100%" cellspacing="0">
		<td width="45%" align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN}" valign="top">
			<table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
				<td width="20" style="text-align: center;">{FOLDER_NEW_IMG}</td>
				<td class="gensmall">{L_NEW_POSTS}</td>
				<td width="20" style="text-align: center;">{FOLDER_IMG}</td>
				<td class="gensmall">{L_NO_NEW_POSTS}</td>
				<td width="20" style="text-align: center;">{FOLDER_ANNOUNCE_IMG}</td>
				<td class="gensmall">{L_ICON_ANNOUNCEMENT}</td>
				<td style="text-align: center;">{FOLDER_HOT_NEW_IMG}</td>
				<td class="gensmall">{L_NEW_POSTS_HOT}</td>
				<td style="text-align: center;">{FOLDER_HOT_IMG}</td>
				<td class="gensmall">{L_NO_NEW_POSTS_HOT}</td>
				<td style="text-align: center;">{FOLDER_STICKY_IMG}</td>
				<td class="gensmall">{L_ICON_STICKY}</td>
				<td style="text-align: center;">{FOLDER_LOCKED_NEW_IMG}</td>
				<td class="gensmall">{L_NEW_POSTS_LOCKED}</td>
				<td style="text-align: center;">{FOLDER_LOCKED_IMG}</td>
				<td class="gensmall">{L_NO_NEW_POSTS_LOCKED}</td>
				<td style="text-align: center;">{FOLDER_MOVED_IMG}</td>
				<td class="gensmall">{L_TOPIC_MOVED}</td>
		<td width="20%" align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}"><span class="gensmall">&nbsp;</span></td>
		<td width="35%" align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"><div class="tablebg" style="padding-right:5px;"><span class="gensmall"><!-- BEGIN rules -->{rules.RULE}<br /><!-- END rules --></span></div></td>
<!-- ENDIF -->

<br clear="all" />

<table width="100%" cellspacing="0">
	<td><!-- IF S_DISPLAY_SEARCHBOX --><!-- INCLUDE searchbox.html --><!-- ENDIF --></td>
	<td align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}"><!-- INCLUDE jumpbox.html --></td>


<!-- INCLUDE overall_footer.html -->
The changes you suggested for subsilver2 do not exist. The y must have been altered from a prior MOD.What should I do instead?
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Re: Avatar of poster on Index and Viewforum

Post by paulnicholson »

I've rechecked every file five times and spent an extremely long time on this mod. My website has been down for six hours now. I really need your help now.
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Re: Avatar of poster on Index and Viewforum

Post by lefty74 »

try below viewforum__body.html.

however, white pages normally indicate suppressed errors which means that an edit is likely not correct.

You can try two things:
enable debug mode by uncommenting the last lines in your config.php (should look like this)

Code: Select all

@define('PHPBB_INSTALLED', true);
@define('DEBUG', true);
@define('DEBUG_EXTRA', true);
then see if you get any error messages on your screen and post them here.

the second one is look for an error log on your server. If you do have your errors suppressed, you should have them at least recorded in that error log.
you may wish to contact your host to change that setting in your php settings.

Code: Select all

    <!-- INCLUDE overall_header.html -->

    <!-- INCLUDE breadcrumbs.html -->
    <br />

    <!-- IF S_FORUM_RULES -->
       <div class="forumrules">
          <!-- IF U_FORUM_RULES -->
             <h3>{L_FORUM_RULES}</h3><br />
             <a href="{U_FORUM_RULES}"><b>{L_FORUM_RULES_LINK}</b></a>
          <!-- ELSE -->
             <h3>{L_FORUM_RULES}</h3><br />
          <!-- ENDIF -->

       <br clear="all" />
    <!-- ENDIF -->

    <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_ACTIVE -->
       <div><div class="tbl-h-l"><div class="tbl-h-r"><div class="tbl-h-c"><div class="tbl-title">{L_ACTIVE_TOPICS}</div></div></div></div>
       <table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

          <!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->
             <th colspan="3">&nbsp;{L_TOPICS}&nbsp;</th>
          <!-- ELSE -->
             <th colspan="2">&nbsp;{L_TOPICS}&nbsp;</th>
          <!-- ENDIF -->

       <!-- BEGIN topicrow -->

             <td class="row1" width="25" align="center">{topicrow.TOPIC_FOLDER_IMG}</td>
             <!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->
                <td class="row1" width="25" align="center"><!-- IF topicrow.TOPIC_ICON_IMG --><img src="{T_ICONS_PATH}{topicrow.TOPIC_ICON_IMG}" width="{topicrow.TOPIC_ICON_IMG_WIDTH}" height="{topicrow.TOPIC_ICON_IMG_HEIGHT}" alt="" title="" /><!-- ENDIF --></td>
             <!-- ENDIF -->
             <td class="row1">
                <!-- IF topicrow.S_UNREAD_TOPIC --><a href="{topicrow.U_NEWEST_POST}">{NEWEST_POST_IMG}</a><!-- ENDIF -->
                {topicrow.ATTACH_ICON_IMG} <!-- IF topicrow.S_HAS_POLL or topicrow.S_TOPIC_MOVED --><b>{topicrow.TOPIC_TYPE}</b> <!-- ENDIF --><a title="{L_POSTED}: {topicrow.FIRST_POST_TIME}" href="{topicrow.U_VIEW_TOPIC}"class="topictitle">{topicrow.TOPIC_TITLE}</a>
                <!-- IF topicrow.S_TOPIC_UNAPPROVED or topicrow.S_POSTS_UNAPPROVED -->
                   <a href="{topicrow.U_MCP_QUEUE}">{UNAPPROVED_IMG}</a>&nbsp;
                <!-- ENDIF -->
                <!-- IF topicrow.S_TOPIC_REPORTED -->
                   <a href="{topicrow.U_MCP_REPORT}">{REPORTED_IMG}</a>&nbsp;
                <!-- ENDIF -->
                <!-- IF topicrow.PAGINATION -->
                   <p class="gensmall"> [ {GOTO_PAGE_IMG}{L_GOTO_PAGE}: {topicrow.PAGINATION} ] </p>
                <!-- ENDIF -->
             			<td class="row2" width="130" align="center">
			<!-- IF topicrow.TOPIC_AUTHOR_AVATAR --><td align="center" width="{topicrow.AVATAR_WIDTH}" >{topicrow.TOPIC_AUTHOR_AVATAR}</td><!-- ENDIF -->
			<td align="center">			
			<p class="topicauthor">{topicrow.TOPIC_AUTHOR_FULL}</p></td>
<td class="row1" width="140" align="center">
                <p class="topicdetails" style="white-space: nowrap;">{topicrow.LAST_POST_TIME}</p>
                <p class="topicdetails">{topicrow.LAST_POST_AUTHOR_FULL}
                   <!-- IF not S_IS_BOT --><a href="{topicrow.U_LAST_POST}">{LAST_POST_IMG}</a><!-- ENDIF -->

       <!-- BEGINELSE -->

             <!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->
                <td class="row1" colspan="7" height="30" align="center" valign="middle"><span class="gen"><!-- IF not S_SORT_DAYS -->{L_NO_TOPICS}<!-- ELSE -->{L_NO_TOPICS_TIME_FRAME}<!-- ENDIF --></span></td>
             <!-- ELSE -->
                <td class="row1" colspan="6" height="30" align="center" valign="middle"><span class="gen"><!-- IF not S_SORT_DAYS -->{L_NO_TOPICS}<!-- ELSE -->{L_NO_TOPICS_TIME_FRAME}<!-- ENDIF --></span></td>
             <!-- ENDIF -->
       <!-- END topicrow -->

       <tr><td class="cat-bottom" colspan="<!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->7<!-- ELSE -->6<!-- ENDIF -->">&nbsp;</td></tr>
       <div class="tbl-f-l"><div class="tbl-f-r"><div class="tbl-f-c">&nbsp;</div></div></div></div>

       <br clear="all" />
    <!-- ENDIF -->

    <!-- IF S_HAS_SUBFORUM -->
       <!-- INCLUDE forumlist_body.html -->
       <br clear="all" />
    <!-- ENDIF -->

       <div id="pageheader">
          <h2><a class="titles" href="{U_VIEW_FORUM}">{FORUM_NAME}</a></h2>

          <!-- IF MODERATORS -->
             <p class="moderators"><!-- IF S_SINGLE_MODERATOR -->{L_MODERATOR}<!-- ELSE -->{L_MODERATORS}<!-- ENDIF -->: {MODERATORS}</p>
          <!-- ENDIF -->
          <!-- IF U_MCP -->
             <p class="linkmcp">[ <a href="{U_MCP}">{L_MCP}</a> ]</p>
          <!-- ENDIF -->

       <br clear="all" /><br />
    <!-- ENDIF -->

    <div id="pagecontent">

    <!-- IF S_NO_READ_ACCESS -->
       <div><div class="tbl-h-l"><div class="tbl-h-r"><div class="tbl-h-c"><div class="tbl-title">&nbsp;</div></div></div></div>
       <table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
       <tr><td class="row1" height="30" align="center" valign="middle"><span class="gen">{L_NO_READ_ACCESS}</span></td></tr>
       <tr><td class="cat-bottom">&nbsp;</td></tr>
       <div class="tbl-f-l"><div class="tbl-f-r"><div class="tbl-f-c">&nbsp;</div></div></div></div>

       <!-- IF not S_USER_LOGGED_IN and not S_IS_BOT -->

          <br /><br />

          <form method="post" action="{S_LOGIN_ACTION}">

          <div><div class="tbl-h-l"><div class="tbl-h-r"><div class="tbl-h-c"><div class="tbl-title"><h4><a href="{U_LOGIN_LOGOUT}">{L_LOGIN_LOGOUT}</a></h4></div></div></div></div>
          <table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
             <td class="row1" align="center"><span class="genmed">{L_USERNAME}:</span> <input class="post" type="text" name="username" size="10" />&nbsp; <span class="genmed">{L_PASSWORD}:</span> <input class="post" type="password" name="password" size="10" /><!-- IF S_AUTOLOGIN_ENABLED -->&nbsp; <span class="gensmall">{L_LOG_ME_IN}</span> <input type="checkbox" class="radio" name="autologin" /><!-- ENDIF -->&nbsp; <input type="submit" class="btnmain" name="login" value="{L_LOGIN}" /></td>
          <tr><td class="cat-bottom">&nbsp;</td></tr>
          <div class="tbl-f-l"><div class="tbl-f-r"><div class="tbl-f-c">&nbsp;</div></div></div></div>


       <!-- ENDIF -->

       <br clear="all" />
    <!-- ENDIF -->

          <table width="100%" cellspacing="1">
             <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_POST_INFO and not S_IS_BOT -->
                <td align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN}" valign="middle"><a href="{U_POST_NEW_TOPIC}">{POST_IMG}</a></td>
             <!-- ENDIF -->
             <!-- IF TOTAL_TOPICS -->
                <td class="nav" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap">&nbsp;{PAGE_NUMBER}<br /></td>
                <td class="gensmall" nowrap="nowrap">&nbsp;[ {TOTAL_TOPICS} ]&nbsp;</td>
                <td class="gensmall" width="100%" align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}" nowrap="nowrap"><!-- INCLUDE pagination.html --></td>
             <!-- ENDIF -->
       <!-- ENDIF -->

       <!-- IF not S_DISPLAY_ACTIVE and (S_IS_POSTABLE or .topicrow) -->
          <div><div class="tbl-h-l"><div class="tbl-h-r"><div class="tbl-h-c"><div class="tbl-title"><h4><a href="{U_VIEW_FORUM}">{FORUM_NAME}</a></h4></div></div></div></div>
          <table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
             <td class="cat" colspan="<!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->7<!-- ELSE -->6<!-- ENDIF -->">
                <table width="100%" cellspacing="0">
                <tr class="nav">
                   <td valign="middle">&nbsp;<!-- IF S_WATCH_FORUM_LINK and not S_IS_BOT --><a href="{S_WATCH_FORUM_LINK}">{S_WATCH_FORUM_TITLE}</a><!-- ENDIF --></td>
                   <td align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}" valign="middle"><!-- IF not S_IS_BOT and U_MARK_TOPICS --><a href="{U_MARK_TOPICS}">{L_MARK_TOPICS_READ}</a><!-- ENDIF -->&nbsp;</td>

             <!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->
                <th colspan="3">&nbsp;{L_TOPICS}&nbsp;</th>
             <!-- ELSE -->
                <th colspan="2">&nbsp;{L_TOPICS}&nbsp;</th>
             <!-- ENDIF -->

          <!-- BEGIN topicrow -->

             <!-- IF topicrow.S_TOPIC_TYPE_SWITCH eq 1 -->
                <tr><td class="row3" colspan="<!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->7<!-- ELSE -->6<!-- ENDIF -->"><b class="gensmall">{L_ANNOUNCEMENTS}</b></td></tr>
             <!-- ELSEIF topicrow.S_TOPIC_TYPE_SWITCH eq 0 -->
                <tr><td class="row3" colspan="<!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->7<!-- ELSE -->6<!-- ENDIF -->"><b class="gensmall">{L_TOPICS}</b></td></tr>
             <!-- ENDIF -->

                <td class="row1" width="25" align="center">{topicrow.TOPIC_FOLDER_IMG}</td>
                <!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->
                   <td class="row1" width="25" align="center"><!-- IF topicrow.TOPIC_ICON_IMG --><img src="{T_ICONS_PATH}{topicrow.TOPIC_ICON_IMG}" width="{topicrow.TOPIC_ICON_IMG_WIDTH}" height="{topicrow.TOPIC_ICON_IMG_HEIGHT}" alt="" title="" /><!-- ENDIF --></td>
                <!-- ENDIF -->
                <td class="row1">
                   <!-- IF topicrow.S_UNREAD_TOPIC --><a href="{topicrow.U_NEWEST_POST}">{NEWEST_POST_IMG}</a><!-- ENDIF -->
                   {topicrow.ATTACH_ICON_IMG} <!-- IF topicrow.S_HAS_POLL or topicrow.S_TOPIC_MOVED --><b>{topicrow.TOPIC_TYPE}</b> <!-- ENDIF --><a title="{L_POSTED}: {topicrow.FIRST_POST_TIME}" href="{topicrow.U_VIEW_TOPIC}" class="topictitle">{topicrow.TOPIC_TITLE}</a>
                   <!-- IF topicrow.S_TOPIC_UNAPPROVED or topicrow.S_POSTS_UNAPPROVED -->
                      <a href="{topicrow.U_MCP_QUEUE}">{topicrow.UNAPPROVED_IMG}</a>&nbsp;
                   <!-- ENDIF -->
                   <!-- IF topicrow.S_TOPIC_REPORTED -->
                      <a href="{topicrow.U_MCP_REPORT}">{REPORTED_IMG}</a>&nbsp;
                   <!-- ENDIF -->
                   <!-- IF topicrow.PAGINATION -->
                      <p class="gensmall"> [ {GOTO_PAGE_IMG}{L_GOTO_PAGE}: {topicrow.PAGINATION} ] </p>
                   <!-- ENDIF -->
                			<td class="row2" width="130" align="center">
			<!-- IF topicrow.TOPIC_AUTHOR_AVATAR --><td align="center" width="{topicrow.AVATAR_WIDTH}" >{topicrow.TOPIC_AUTHOR_AVATAR}</td><!-- ENDIF -->
			<td align="center">			
			<p class="topicauthor">{topicrow.TOPIC_AUTHOR_FULL}</p></td>
<td class="row1" width="140" align="center">
                   <p class="topicdetails" style="white-space: nowrap;">{topicrow.LAST_POST_TIME}</p>
                   <p class="topicdetails">{topicrow.LAST_POST_AUTHOR_FULL}
                      <!-- IF not S_IS_BOT --><a href="{topicrow.U_LAST_POST}">{LAST_POST_IMG}</a><!-- ENDIF -->

          <!-- BEGINELSE -->
             <!-- IF S_IS_POSTABLE -->
                <td class="row1" colspan="<!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->7<!-- ELSE -->6<!-- ENDIF -->" height="30" align="center" valign="middle">
                   <span class="gen"><!-- IF not S_SORT_DAYS -->{L_NO_TOPICS}<!-- ELSE -->{L_NO_TOPICS_TIME_FRAME}<!-- ENDIF --></span>
             <!-- ENDIF -->
          <!-- END topicrow -->

          <!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->
             <td class="cat-bottom" colspan="<!-- IF S_TOPIC_ICONS -->7<!-- ELSE -->6<!-- ENDIF -->">
                <form method="post" action="{S_FORUM_ACTION}"><span class="gensmall">{L_DISPLAY_TOPICS}:</span>&nbsp;{S_SELECT_SORT_DAYS}&nbsp;<span class="gensmall">{L_SORT_BY}</span> {S_SELECT_SORT_KEY} {S_SELECT_SORT_DIR}&nbsp;<input class="btnlite" type="submit" name="sort" value="{L_GO}" /></form>
          <!-- ENDIF -->
          <div class="tbl-f-l"><div class="tbl-f-r"><div class="tbl-f-c">&nbsp;</div></div></div></div>
       <!-- ENDIF -->

          <table width="100%" cellspacing="1">
             <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_POST_INFO and not S_IS_BOT -->
                <td align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN}" valign="middle"><a href="{U_POST_NEW_TOPIC}">{POST_IMG}</a></td>
             <!-- ENDIF -->
             <!-- IF TOTAL_TOPICS -->
                <td class="nav" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap">&nbsp;{PAGE_NUMBER}<br /></td>
                <td class="gensmall" nowrap="nowrap">&nbsp;[ {TOTAL_TOPICS} ]&nbsp;</td>
                <td class="gensmall" width="100%" align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}" nowrap="nowrap"><!-- INCLUDE pagination.html --></td>
             <!-- ENDIF -->
       <!-- ENDIF -->

       <br clear="all" />

    <!-- INCLUDE breadcrumbs.html -->

       <br clear="all" />

       <div><div class="tbl-h-l"><div class="tbl-h-r"><div class="tbl-h-c"><div class="tbl-title"><h4>{L_WHO_IS_ONLINE}</h4></div></div></div></div>
       <table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
       <tr><td class="row1"><p class="gensmall">{LOGGED_IN_USER_LIST}</p></td></tr>
       <tr><td class="cat-bottom">&nbsp;</td></tr>
       <div class="tbl-f-l"><div class="tbl-f-r"><div class="tbl-f-c">&nbsp;</div></div></div></div>
    <!-- ENDIF -->

       <br clear="all" />

       <table width="100%" cellspacing="0">
          <td width="45%" align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_BEGIN}" valign="top">
             <table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                <td width="20" style="text-align: center;">{FOLDER_NEW_IMG}</td>
                <td class="gensmall">{L_NEW_POSTS}</td>
                <td width="20" style="text-align: center;">{FOLDER_IMG}</td>
                <td class="gensmall">{L_NO_NEW_POSTS}</td>
                <td width="20" style="text-align: center;">{FOLDER_ANNOUNCE_IMG}</td>
                <td class="gensmall">{L_ICON_ANNOUNCEMENT}</td>
                <td style="text-align: center;">{FOLDER_HOT_NEW_IMG}</td>
                <td class="gensmall">{L_NEW_POSTS_HOT}</td>
                <td style="text-align: center;">{FOLDER_HOT_IMG}</td>
                <td class="gensmall">{L_NO_NEW_POSTS_HOT}</td>
                <td style="text-align: center;">{FOLDER_STICKY_IMG}</td>
                <td class="gensmall">{L_ICON_STICKY}</td>
                <td style="text-align: center;">{FOLDER_LOCKED_NEW_IMG}</td>
                <td class="gensmall">{L_NEW_POSTS_LOCKED}</td>
                <td style="text-align: center;">{FOLDER_LOCKED_IMG}</td>
                <td class="gensmall">{L_NO_NEW_POSTS_LOCKED}</td>
                <td style="text-align: center;">{FOLDER_MOVED_IMG}</td>
                <td class="gensmall">{L_TOPIC_MOVED}</td>
          <td width="20%" align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}"><span class="gensmall">&nbsp;</span></td>
          <td width="35%" align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"><div class="tablebg" style="padding-right:5px;"><span class="gensmall"><!-- BEGIN rules -->{rules.RULE}<br /><!-- END rules --></span></div></td>
    <!-- ENDIF -->

    <br clear="all" />

    <table width="100%" cellspacing="0">
       <td><!-- IF S_DISPLAY_SEARCHBOX --><!-- INCLUDE searchbox.html --><!-- ENDIF --></td>
       <td align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}"><!-- INCLUDE jumpbox.html --></td>


    <!-- INCLUDE overall_footer.html -->
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Re: Avatar of poster on Index and Viewforum

Post by paulnicholson »

Thanks. I've saved my edits from last time so i just need to rename and put them this time. It'll only take ten minutes. Is the last bit of code the repaired version of my code or a fresh viewforum_body.html file with your edits only? I don't want to lose previous MODs. Thanks again for your help. :)
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Re: Avatar of poster on Index and Viewforum

Post by karot »

annepenullar wrote:Hello I don't know if this is a bug. But whenever I add

Code: Select all

<!-- IF topicrow.TOPIC_AUTHOR_AVATAR --><span style="float: left; padding-top: 3px; margin-right: {topicrow.TOPIC_AUTHOR_AVATAR_MARGIN}px;">{topicrow.TOPIC_AUTHOR_AVATAR}</span><!-- ENDIF-->
to viewforum_body.html. The ./styles/prosilver/imageset/icon_topic_newest.gif appears. Even I click the Mark Topics Read link, it still shows that ALL topics are "new".

If I do remove the code, the "new" icon is not showing.

I also tried the demo forum. And it exhibits the same pattern. Is there a way to correct this?

Thank you.

Code: Select all

<!-- IF topicrow.S_UNREAD_TOPIC --><a href="{topicrow.U_NEWEST_POST}">{NEWEST_POST_IMG}</a><!-- ENDIF -->

Code: Select all

<!-- IF topicrow.S_UNREAD_TOPIC --><!-- IF topicrow.S_UNREAD_TOPIC --><a href="{topicrow.U_NEWEST_POST}">{NEWEST_POST_IMG}</a><!-- ENDIF --><!-- ENDIF -->
u can try it works fine

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