I believe this topic was longer the last time i came in, althought i am glad it hasnt been lost.
I have already read the way phpBB3 declares people responsible for languages. However if Basque is checked in
http://www.phpbb.com/languages/ nobody looks to be in charge of it. Therefore i tried to submint the form in
http://www.phpbb.com/languages/apply.php?type=3.0.x and the next sentence is shown:
You are trying to become the maintainer of a language which is already being maintained. Please read the paragraph above regarding duplicate entries, which has now been highlighted for your convenience
Is there anybody who could explain what should i do? Who i need to contact to tell them that Basque is not being managed by anybody? and in case that there is somebody in charge of it how could i help?
PD: basque, an ancient language spoken in the north of Spain/ south west of France.