Author: iEric
MOD Description: This will get your signature aligned to bottom in each post or PM.
MOD Version: 1.0.2
phpBB Version: 3.0.4
MOD Download: [ 125 kb ]
MODX: 1.2.2

Installation Level: ~Easy
Installation Time: ~5-10 Minutes
Edits: CSS and template edits
Category: Add-on, Cosmetic
Prosilver: ✔
subsilver2: ✔

Hope you'll like it.

- - -
Small update: 1.0.0->1.0.0a
When I rewrote the script, I made a small miss. Sorry about that...
In forum_fn.js
Code: Select all
var sig = b[z].offsetHeight;
var cont = document.getElementById('c-'+set);
Code: Select all
var sig = b[z].offsetHeight;z++;
var cont = document.getElementById('c-'+set);z++;
Update: 1.0.0a->1.0.1/1.0.1a
In viewtopic_body.html and ucp_pm_viewmessage.html
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
<div class="postbody">
Script is moved to an ext. file.
Update: 1.0.1a->1.0.2
New Subsilver2 included.
Made a few small changes, and updated the ReadMe