release 1.1.2 (RC6) should be ready in a week or so.
the bossprogres block is redone. when you hover over the boss, a tooltip shows (using jquery
tooltips). the boss links are clickable inside the tooltip and lead to the webid set in the acp. i really like this tooltip library. :tup:
i dropped the progress bar, as it seems to be not so popular.
the bossprogress acp is entirely done. this is where you can list a boss.
or add/edit a boss. the image needs to be placed by hand in the appropriate directory though.
this is to add a zone. the blue arrows enable you to move a zone up or down. the red x deletes a zone.
the green wheel lets you edit a zone. the images also need to be placed by hand in the appropriate directory.
So in short, this new system enables users to add a boss themselves. they just need to be abit creative to create the image, and then add it in the acp.
now i need to finish the bossprogress front-end page. i'll maybe also add an icon for the zone (that will also be necessary for raidplanner).
if you check the new acp in 1.1.2, you'll see that many menus have been folded. under the list ther is now an "add" button. this clears up some space in the acp.