asinshesq wrote:carskee wrote:I've got boardwatch installed, added the UCP perms for all users, set UCP -> Board Preferences -> Edit post notification options all to "Yes" for all users, but it seems every time a post is made, notifications do not get sent to anyone.
What does it mean when you say you set those options to yes for all users? Do you mean you ran a query and manually changed the db entries for users_boardwarchb to 0? Or something else?
When you look at your own edit post notifications options, can you confirm it really says yes for all? And remember that you do not get notifications of your own posts, so you would have to wait for someone else to post before you yourself would bet a notice.
Sorry about that, let me clarify. This is a brand new board and only has 3 users...I'm developing it until it works, at which time I'll put it into production for our small company to use (20-30 users eventually). My testing method is this:
-login as my user and verify all options are set to "YES":
Send me notice of all posts, even where I am not subscribed to the forum or topic
When I subscribe to a forum, send me notice of all posts in the forum
When I subscribe to a topic, send me notice of all posts in the topic
-logout, then login as another user and post a new topic
-wait for notification and never get one.
-log back in as my user and subscribe to that forum/topic, logout
-log in as the other user and make another post
-wait for a notification email and get one (since my user subscribed to it)
Hope that make better sense.