Board watch

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Re: Board watch

Post by reds »

Dear Alan,
Thanks for the your nice mod
I 've just now implemented parts for adding the answers in mails
that's the good feature
But could you also explain me how can add in the notification mails header "from:"

Now all mails are goes as sender just plane mail address [email protected]

Where should I add it ?
Is this somewhere setting on the phpBB forum?

Thank you very much!
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Re: Board watch

Post by asinshesq »

reds wrote:But could you also explain me how can add in the notification mails header "from:"

Now all mails are goes as sender just plane mail address [email protected]
This mod does not change the way the notification email looks, only who it gets sent to. So when a notification email goes out, it goes out with the normal board address (not the adress of the poster). For example, on this board notices go out from [email protected]. Are you seeing it get sent from an address other than the address of the board?

If you are saying you want it to go out 'from' the person who made the post, it is possible to do that - my postnotices to groups mod adds some code that changes who the notification is from and you could use that here - but I would have guessed it would be quite confusing to users.
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Re: Board watch

Post by reds »

Thanks for the answer Alan,
asinshesq wrote: Are you seeing it get sent from an address other than the address of the board?
Fortunately, the mail goes right, I getting the mails form the board mail address
but what is frustrating me is that I see an plane mail address, not like always the name of the sender
I just want to that user will see a name of the board, not a plane and some naked mail address
Now I have to add name of the board in subject, within a description and name of the topic
I don't know where I can add a name of the sender in the board settings

But I understood already , my question it is not about your mod :)

Can you advice me something probably?

Thank you
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Re: Board watch

Post by asinshesq »

reds wrote:what is frustrating me is that I see an plane mail address, not like always the name of the sender
I just want to that user will see a name of the board, not a plane and some naked mail address
If you want the 'FROM' address to appear as a plain english name of the board rather than an email address, you can try this (I haven't tried it myself so let me know if it works):

Code: Select all


#-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------------
				$messenger->replyto($config['sitename'] . ' <' . $config['board_email'] . '>');
				$messenger->from($config['sitename'] . ' <' . $config['board_email'] . '>');
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Re: Board watch

Post by reds »

Thanks a million Alan
It Works!! :))) Exactly what I wanted
You have made my day
God bless you

Sorry for the delay
I've been installing and dancing around my forum, didn't sleep for two nights :)
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Re: Board watch

Post by sokeking »

hey guys,
first of all: really great mod - exactly what i was looking for.
but i got 2 problems:

1.) Where do I find the initial options?! I mean where can I change the initial option of board watch for new users? Just changed the SQL database entrys at boardwatchf or somewhat to 2. But i don't wanna do that everytime somebdy registers.
2.) I dunno why but I've translated the email notifications to german and the email, i've received, consists of a lot of "?" instead of the supposed ä,ö,ü - letters.

Hope you can help me.

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Re: Board watch

Post by brix11 »

Trying to get this working, but I got this error:

Code: Select all

SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

Unknown column 'user_boardwatchb' in 'field list' [1054]


SELECT user_boardwatchb, user_boardwatchf, user_boardwatcht FROM bb_users WHERE user_id = 2


FILE: includes/db/mysqli.php
LINE: 163
CALL: dbal->sql_error()

FILE: includes/ucp/ucp_boardwatch.php
LINE: 32
CALL: dbal_mysqli->sql_query()

FILE: includes/functions_module.php
LINE: 507
CALL: ucp_boardwatch->main()

FILE: ucp.php
LINE: 320
CALL: p_master->load_active()
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Re: Board watch

Post by asinshesq »

brix11 wrote:Trying to get this working, but I got this error:

Code: Select all

SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

Unknown column 'user_boardwatchb' in 'field list' [1054]...
Sounds like you didn't run the install_boardwatch script that adds the new columns to the user table.

I am assuming you are using version 1.0.1e, corrrect? (That's the updated version which I link to here: ... 5#p9075535 )
If so, you need to navigate your browser to http://[your_address]/install_boardwatch.php to complete the installation.
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Re: Board watch

Post by limbus. »

as I also have some problems with this MOD which I really would like to use, I'm reading this thread up and down..

:arrow: just a quick answer to sokeking's problem:
sokeking wrote: 2.) I dunno why but I've translated the email notifications to german and the email, i've received, consists of a lot of "?" instead of the supposed ä,ö,ü - letters.
you have to use html codes for the Umlaute:
intead of Ä you need to write &Auml;
Ö &Ouml;
Ü &Uuml;
ä &auml;
ö &ouml;
ü &uuml;
ß &szlig;

for example instead of "süß" you have to write "s&uuml;&szlig;"

wenn noch was unklar ist schreib mir eine PM / not an issue of this MOD
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Re: Board watch

Post by asinshesq »

sokeking wrote:hey guys,
first of all: really great mod - exactly what i was looking for.
but i got 2 problems:

1.) Where do I find the initial options?! I mean where can I change the initial option of board watch for new users? Just changed the SQL database entrys at boardwatchf or somewhat to 2. But i don't wanna do that everytime somebdy registers.
2.) I dunno why but I've translated the email notifications to german and the email, i've received, consists of a lot of "?" instead of the supposed ä,ö,ü - letters.

Hope you can help me.

I'm really sorry but I never noticed your post until limbus answered the second question. As for your first question - about how to set the initial options a user gets assigned when he registers - take a look at the file called changing_default_settings.html that appears in the contrib folder for this mod.
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Re: Board watch

Post by limbus. »

Eureka! It's working!

The acp settings to allow this mod to the users was the last missing part.
Seems the instruction is missing in 1.0.1e? However I had an older version as well.

Thanks a lot asinshesq for this great MOD! :)
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Re: Board watch

Post by asinshesq »

limbus. wrote:Eureka! It's working!

The acp settings to allow this mod to the users was the last missing part.
Seems the instruction is missing in 1.0.1e? However I had an older version as well.

Thanks a lot asinshesq for this great MOD! :)
No, I don't think there's anything missing in 1.0.1e, and the older version has lots of problems so you should not be using it. What instruction are you talking about? Once you have properly installed version 1.0.1e of this mod and run install_boardwatch.php, you need to grant users permission in the acp for changing their settings. If you don't grant them permissions, they will never see the settings in their ucp.
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Re: Board watch

Post by brix11 »

asinshesq wrote: Sounds like you didn't run the install_boardwatch script that adds the new columns to the user table.

I am assuming you are using version 1.0.1e, corrrect? (That's the updated version which I link to here: ... 5#p9075535 )
If so, you need to navigate your browser to http://[your_address]/install_boardwatch.php to complete the installation.
Yes, version 1.0.1e. I did do the install, and it seemed to work OK. When I go to that URL now, I only get the option to uninstall. Should I uninstall, then re-install?

I was able to set up the permissions in the ACP, but experienced a problem when visiting the UCP.
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Re: Board watch

Post by limbus. »

asinshesq wrote:
limbus. wrote:Eureka! It's working!

The acp settings to allow this mod to the users was the last missing part.
Seems the instruction is missing in 1.0.1e? However I had an older version as well.

Thanks a lot asinshesq for this great MOD! :)
No, I don't think there's anything missing in 1.0.1e, and the older version has lots of problems so you should not be using it. What instruction are you talking about? Once you have properly installed version 1.0.1e of this mod and run install_boardwatch.php, you need to grant users permission in the acp for changing their settings. If you don't grant them permissions, they will never see the settings in their ucp.
Well I installed the official one first (1.0.0) but I got some error-messages on different pages.
Then I repeated all steps from 1.0.1e by replacing each step from 1.0.0 with the one from 1.0.1e.

What I missed in the plain 1.0.1e was the SQL-commands from 1.0.0 instruction, and the SQL-command from the text-file of 1.0.1e - but maybe they will be done by the new install_boardwatch.php?

The other instructions I ment that I'm missing with 1.0.1e are these from the bottom of 1.0.0:

Code: Select all

2.	Go into the forum permissions part of the ACP and grant the applicable boardwatch permissions to users or groups as you think appropriate.
3.	Do the following to install the UCP module that allows users to control this mod:
- go to the ACP and click the "System" tab
- click the User Control Panel link that appears under Module Management
- click 'Board Prefereces'
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Re: Board watch

Post by asinshesq »

limbus. wrote:
asinshesq wrote:
limbus. wrote:Eureka! It's working!

The acp settings to allow this mod to the users was the last missing part.
Seems the instruction is missing in 1.0.1e? However I had an older version as well.

Thanks a lot asinshesq for this great MOD! :)
No, I don't think there's anything missing in 1.0.1e, and the older version has lots of problems so you should not be using it. What instruction are you talking about? Once you have properly installed version 1.0.1e of this mod and run install_boardwatch.php, you need to grant users permission in the acp for changing their settings. If you don't grant them permissions, they will never see the settings in their ucp.
Well I installed the official one first (1.0.0) but I got some error-messages on different pages.
Then I repeated all steps from 1.0.1e by replacing each step from 1.0.0 with the one from 1.0.1e.

What I missed in the plain 1.0.1e was the SQL-commands from 1.0.0 instruction, and the SQL-command from the text-file of 1.0.1e - but maybe they will be done by the new install_boardwatch.php?

The other instructions I ment that I'm missing with 1.0.1e are these from the bottom of 1.0.0:

Code: Select all

2.	Go into the forum permissions part of the ACP and grant the applicable boardwatch permissions to users or groups as you think appropriate.
3.	Do the following to install the UCP module that allows users to control this mod:
- go to the ACP and click the "System" tab
- click the User Control Panel link that appears under Module Management
- click 'Board Prefereces'
Right, those instructions are supposed to be omitted because those steps are all performed by the install_boardwatch.php script. So when you are done with the code changes all you should be doing is to run that script. But if you did it manually that won't hurt so you should be ok anyway.

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