Code: Select all
<!-- IF postrow.S_FRIEND --> <dd><strong>This user is a friend</strong></dd> <!-- ENDIF -->
Recheck your .CSS edit.
Done, but still dont workAnd refresh your theme
Make sure it was your THEME that you refreshed, not just the templates. The .CSS refreshes with the theme. The reason you are seeing 2 pics instead of 1, is the .css isn't making the correct call to show the thumbnail size by default and the enlarged image when moused over. The problem HAS to be in your .CSSĢermans wrote:Recheck your .CSS edit.Done, but still dont workAnd refresh your theme
Lovely!platinum_2007 wrote:#3 can be done in 1 file edit to viewtopic_body.html
Anywhere you want between <!-- BEGIN postrow --> and <!-- END postrow -->
you can place
Here is a image you can use if you want ... friend.gifCode: Select all
<!-- IF postrow.S_FRIEND --> <dd><strong>This user is a friend</strong></dd> <!-- ENDIF -->
you can see it in action on my site.
Code: Select all
<!-- BEGIN fri -->
<a class="thumbnail" href="{fri.AV_LINK}">
<!-- IF fri.USER_COLOR --><span style="color:#{fri.USER_COLOR}"><!-- ELSE --><span style="color:#000"><!-- ENDIF --><b>{fri.USERNAME}</b><br />{fri.FRI_AV}</span><b>{fri.USERNAME}</b></a><!-- IF fri.S_FRIEND -->This is a friend<!-- ENDIF --> | <!-- END fri -->
<center>{TOTAL_FRIENDS}<br /><a href="{U_SEARCH_FRIENDS}">{L_SEARCH_FRIENDS}</a></center>