Discuss: phpBB 3.0.5 released

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Re: Discuss: phpBB 3.0.5 released

Post by Phil »

Again, have you tried the patch file? That's the closest you can get (either running it and fixing conflicts or following the directions manually). As far as I know, there aren't any plans to release an official code changes package.
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Re: Discuss: phpBB 3.0.5 released

Post by froggyboy604 »

Looks like they fixed a lot of bugs. I will update my phpbb3 forum today.
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Re: Discuss: phpBB 3.0.5 released

Post by Brogan »

iWisdom wrote:Again, have you tried the patch file? That's the closest you can get (either running it and fixing conflicts or following the directions manually). As far as I know, there aren't any plans to release an official code changes package.
I'll give the patch file a try.

Is there a file to "run" or is it just a matter of opening the patch file in e.g. Notepad++ and working through the edits?
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Re: Discuss: phpBB 3.0.5 released

Post by Phil »

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Re: Discuss: phpBB 3.0.5 released

Post by blueray2048 »

wow, it was released.
I'am glad to see this. :)

Hmmm, do I need something special to upgrade it if my phpBB works with sqlite db ?

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Re: Discuss: phpBB 3.0.5 released

Post by Phil »

No, the normal updating procedure works fine for any of the DBMSes that phpBB supports.
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Re: Discuss: phpBB 3.0.5 released

Post by Wedgy »

The auto-updater really works like a dream now :D Upgrading to 3.04 was a nightmare, but this was a pleasure :D
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Re: Discuss: phpBB 3.0.5 released

Post by Acyd Burn »

leviatan21 wrote:Is there any change from 3.0.5 RC1 ?
You can find the automatic update package for 3.0.5-RC1 to 3.0.5 within the archive. :) (there are also update packages for 3.0.1 onwards to 3.0.5)
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Re: Discuss: phpBB 3.0.5 released

Post by ChriZathens »

Just finished the update from 3.0.4 to 3.0.5..
No problems at all (only 2 strange conficts - I suppose the update engine recognizes bits of missing code as conflicts cause that was the case... )
For those who complain about modded boards, I must note that I have about 30 mods installed and everything is just fine after the update... ;)
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Re: Discuss: phpBB 3.0.5 released

Post by Brogan »

ChriZathens wrote:For those who complain about modded boards, I must note that I have about 30 mods installed and everything is just fine after the update... ;)
It's not mod's that are a problem - I only have chat and calendar installed.
It's the sheer number of edits I have made to all the template and other files - I effectively built my theme from scratch.
If you click on the link in my sig' that should give you some idea...
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Re: Discuss: phpBB 3.0.5 released

Post by Derky »

I think the downloading page on ohloh is misleading.

I clicked "download phpBB" from the phpBB.com downloads page.
Come out on ohloh.com and see a big button "click here" so I click there and got on reghelper.com :roll:
Then pressed back and read the text below it... it are just ads for spyware. :ugeek:
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Re: Discuss: phpBB 3.0.5 released

Post by ChriZathens »

Brogan wrote:
ChriZathens wrote:For those who complain about modded boards, I must note that I have about 30 mods installed and everything is just fine after the update... ;)
It's not mod's that are a problem - I only have chat and calendar installed.
It's the sheer number of edits I have made to all the template and other files - I effectively built my theme from scratch.
If you click on the link in my sig' that should give you some idea...
In this case, you can always use the codechanges which contain language and template changes and you should be fine... ;)
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Re: Discuss: phpBB 3.0.5 released

Post by RoxRio »

iWisdom wrote:Again, have you tried the patch file? That's the closest you can get (either running it and fixing conflicts or following the directions manually). As far as I know, there aren't any plans to release an official code changes package.
It's so sad. Forums with a lot of mods will have more difficult to install the new release. Do you understand what it mean? The pbpBB is making the the life of millions of people very hard, and because of this other ways can be found, like other forum system, more easy and friendly.

Today, phpBB is easy when the forum is simple, without mods. My forum have mods, the automatic update don't work, I tried to use the patch files, but I didn't understand anything. I don't know what code add, where add the codes: before or after etc.

Well, sorry about I wrote before, but I'll be very very sad if the full code changes don't be released.
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Re: Discuss: phpBB 3.0.5 released

Post by Brogan »

ChriZathens wrote:In this case, you can always use the codechanges which contain language and template changes and you should be fine... ;)
I will still need to do the patch changes too.
The code changes only do language and template changes

And at just over 14,000 lines, that's no easy task and the opportunity for errors is manifest.
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Re: Discuss: phpBB 3.0.5 released

Post by EXreaction »

RoxRio wrote:It's so sad. Forums with a lot of mods will have more difficult to install the new release. Do you understand what it mean? The pbpBB is making the the life of millions of people very hard, and because of this other ways can be found, like other forum system, more easy and friendly.

Today, phpBB is easy when the forum is simple, without mods. My forum have mods, the automatic update don't work, I tried to use the patch files, but I didn't understand anything. I don't know what code add, where add the codes: before or after etc.

Well, sorry about I wrote before, but I'll be very very sad if the full code changes don't be released.
You are provided with the software free of charge under the GPL license. Under such license there is NO warranty nor any guaranteed support.

If YOU modify things it is YOUR responsibility to keep it updated. If you want to use an update method that isn't provided by the phpbb.com team YOU have the freedom to make it.

phpBB is not making the life of anyone hard. If you can not handle keeping your board up to date because you installed modifications you should not be installing modifications or just keep using outdated software and live with any issues that come up because of it.

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