Currently available convertors
- Categories Hierarchy
- DragonflyCMS 9.2.x standard forum
- Drupal 5.x
- IPB 1.3
- IPB 2.3.x
- IPB 3.4.x
- Icy Phoenix
- MyBB 1.4.x
- MyBB 1.6.x
- Ning Social Network
- Phorum 5.0.x
- PHP-Nuke
PHP_Nuke convertor support topic
Tested with: - phpBB2 with Simple Subforums
- Proboards
- PunBB 1.4.x
- SMF 1.1.x
SMF 1.1.x convertor support topic - SMF 2.0.x
- UBB Threads 7.5.5
- vB 3.x
- vB 4.x
- WowBB
- XenForo 1.1.x
- YAF 0.9.5.x
- Yahoo
Help with using the convertors is at Convert How To