Brazilian Portuguese - No email subject

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Brazilian Portuguese - No email subject

Post by acpgomes »

I've just setup my phpbb 3.0.5, and add the language pack pt_br, the last one published at, and the subscription emails just comes with the message "Não foi especificado o assunto do e-mail.‏" (see screen captures below), what means that "No email subjetct was especified". Unfortunally, the same problem happend when I requested an activation of my account at The problem does not happen when the default language is english.
Does someone have and idea on how to fix that?
I already had tried to update the language files manually (through phpbb interface), like common.php, or email and so on, but no effects. I still have replaced the file "functions_messenger.php", as someone commented in an post here at, but the error still persist.
By the way, could someone contact and tell then that the site isn't working at all. The search engine fails, the registration process too, and the email [email protected] bounces.
Thanks in advance.
Antonio Carlos.
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Re: Brazilian Portuguese - No email subject

Post by angourakis »

Hello acpgomes,

These problems occurs with 3.0.5 package? At your board or ours?

I couldn't find any bugs as you said but let's check deeple
Add me at Msn ok (sent by MP)


Best Regards

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Re: Brazilian Portuguese - No email subject

Post by acpgomes »

Hello Rafael,
yes, the bug happend at both, mine and yours board.
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Re: Brazilian Portuguese - No email subject

Post by Andre Távora »

Hello acpgomes, welcome to
These kind of error usually occur within an incorret file codification. An easy way to solve it is just downloading Notepad++ or a similar program and opening your e-mail files with that. Then, just convert your file codification into UTF-8 (without BOM) and save them.
But it's strange on this case because some of the letters are correctly written, but others not. Have you changed something in these files after downloading the pack?
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Re: Brazilian Portuguese - No email subject

Post by AL4R_Dido »

EU tenho um fórum, mas não está funcionando os boards.
Eles desapareceram, mas estão no meu painel de administrador.

Alguém pode me ajudar?
Esse é o link do fórum.

Fico aguardando, obrigado!
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Re: Brazilian Portuguese - No email subject

Post by avengerx »

I have just passed thru this problem. The solution is quite simply but tricky. The one who made the translation, while changing the file from english encoding to utf8 encoding, made it so three bytes appeared before the 'Subject: ' line on the emails.

To fix this, I went into language/pt_br/email/ and edited every file with vi (not vim) and removed the three first trash bytes from the file. Voila the emails are clean and with subject.
If you just open them with vim, vim decodes it to UTF-8 and the first bytes are hidden. Once you open with vi, it just does not decode and you can erase the bytes. Should work on notepad also. Once you remove the bytes and open the file again with vim (at least here at home) it no longer auto-decodes it as UTF-8. But anyway, the email is safe.

Not all files begin with these three bytes, and the ones needed to be changed are only the ones starting with Subject: <something>. The first line in vi looks like:

Code: Select all

Subject: <something>
I hope it helps!
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Re: Brazilian Portuguese - No email subject

Post by Andre Távora »

avengerx, welcome to Thanks for your contribution, i hope it can helps many users concerning that e-mails problem.

AL4R_Dido, please, don't post portuguese messages anymore. The community is open only for english posts. Well, about your problem, check the permissions of your forums, probably they are unavailable because you haven't set the correct permissions to them. If you need some brazilian support, please visit our support, wich link is quoted below in my signature.
I hope i could help you.
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Re: Brazilian Portuguese - No email subject

Post by tenil »

Ok, it worked, but now I'm with another problem.
The welcome messages still contains errors.

The word "Fórum" looks like "F&oacute;rum" in all emails.

Bem-vindo ao F&oacute;rum Vota Brasília

Por favor, guarde este email para posteriores consultas. A informação da sua conta é a seguinte:

Usuário: usuario
Senha: senha

URL do Fórum:

Por favor, não se esqueça que sua senha foi codificada em nosso banco de dados e não podemos recuperá-la para lhe fornecer caso à peça. No entanto, caso você esqueça-a, você poderá solicitar uma nova, sendo ativada da mesma forma desta conta.

Obrigado por registrar-se.

-- Obrigado,
Please, help.

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Re: Brazilian Portuguese - No email subject

Post by Andre Távora »

tenil, welcome to
It's simples to solve your problem. You will need only for a good PHP files editor, like Notepad++ (my favorite), from wich you can convert your files encoding to UTF-8 (without BOM), then saving your language e-mail files. Adjust the encoding of all your language files and resend them into your webserver.
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