I've just setup my phpbb 3.0.5, and add the language pack pt_br, the last one published at phpbbrasil.com.br, and the subscription emails just comes with the message "Não foi especificado o assunto do e-mail." (see screen captures below), what means that "No email subjetct was especified". Unfortunally, the same problem happend when I requested an activation of my account at http://www.phpbbrasil.com.br. The problem does not happen when the default language is english.
Does someone have and idea on how to fix that?
I already had tried to update the language files manually (through phpbb interface), like common.php, or email and so on, but no effects. I still have replaced the file "functions_messenger.php", as someone commented in an post here at phpbb.com, but the error still persist.
By the way, could someone contact phpbbrasil.com.br and tell then that the site isn't working at all. The search engine fails, the registration process too, and the email [email protected] bounces.
Thanks in advance.
Antonio Carlos.