Tools for development

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Re: Tools for development

Post by /a3 »

The FSF has just released a free software directory which might be helpful to some people.

It looks like they only include software that works in free operating systems (even though there is plenty of open source software for Windows) but might be helpful to some. :)
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Re: Tools for development

Post by /a3 »

Software for calculating hashes (useful when Downloading phpBB):

$ git commit -m "YOLO"
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Re: Tools for development

Post by tbackoff »

Microsoft actually released a (command line) File Checksum Integrity Verifier tool. The "supported operating systems" does not list Windows Vista or Windows 7, but I can confirm that this tool installs fine on Windows 7 if you right-click and select "Run as administrator". I would imagine the same procedure works for Windows Vista.
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Re: Tools for development

Post by MichaelC »

Sublime Text is a nice new editor that is becoming quite popular. Its available for Mac, Linux and Windows. Its like notepad++ except it is so much more extensible/customisable and there are plugins for everything.

Everything from JS Minifers to doc block macros to custom languages (with syntax highlight), themes, making gists, posting to twitter to running php unit. The amount of plugins for it make it have such a large feature set it could be considered an IDE.

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Re: Tools for development

Post by techtonic »

I find having 2 text editors is actually helpful. I use Eclipse PDT for the project and Textpad to load log files and sample code. Textpad has much faster directory search than Eclipse.
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Re: Tools for development

Post by /a3 »

Should mention some PNG optimisation tools:
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Re: Tools for development

Post by randomessence »

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Re: Tools for development

Post by Sajaki »

I was looking for a MAMP replacement because the free edition does not support PHP 5.3 anymore, and i found AMPPS : it's free and has a stack of Apache, Mysql, PHP, Perl, and ython
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Re: Tools for development

Post by randomessence »


a dropbox clone type thing but you can control the hosting or use github/bitbucket and more
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Re: Tools for development

Post by AmigoJack »

Other Tools
  • "The problem is probably not my English but you do not want to understand correctly. ... We will not come anybody anyway, nevertheless, it's best to shit this." Affin, 2018-11-20
  • "But this shit is not here for you. You can follow with your. Maybe the question, instead, was for you, who know, so you shoved us how you are." axe70, 2020-10-10
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Re: Tools for development

Post by FranckTH »

Moderator Note: Reviews for above addon state it contains adware - proceed at own risk.
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Re: Tools for development

Post by AndroidOS »

For anyone who prefers a full IDE, then I find Aptana Studio great for web development. It is based on Eclipse, however it's built specifically for web development and is faster and more customisable. Git is also integrated for those of you who use it for version control, or collaboration via Github.

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Re: Tools for development

Post by stickerboy »

Been slowly doing more dev work on mac since I started my new job last year, so here's a couple programs I've found useful:
Lastly, anyone who works regularly in terminal should check out oh-my-zsh, some really cool stuff you can do like setting up command aliases and stuff :)
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Re: Tools for development

Post by callumacrae »

stickerboy wrote:Lastly, anyone who works regularly in terminal should check out oh-my-zsh, some really cool stuff you can do like setting up command aliases and stuff :)
I've been using that for a while, and have been meaning to switch back to bash for almost as long. My complaints:
  • It takes ages to load. If I open a console, I want to start typing immediately.
  • "Do you want to install updates?" nearly every time I open it (which is why it takes so long to load, I suspect). When bash took a while to load, I could just start typing and it would catch up when it did load. Not so with ZSH.
  • The spelling correction is wrong more often that it is right, and pretty irritating. Why isn't there a "Remember this" option?
  • Why does git reset HEAD^ still throw a random error? Worked in bash.
  • It still doesn't work with resume in OS X
  • zsh: correct 'hg' to 'bg' [nyae]? 0_o
  • I can get nearly of these features in bash. The two neat features I'd like to see in bash are spelling correction and command history (e.g., ssh and up will find the last ssh command I ran).
Yeah, I wouldn't recommend this application. = my website. you probably won't like it.
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Re: Tools for development

Post by TPCR »

I use
About Brackets
Brackets is an open-source editor for web design and development built on top of web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The project was created and is maintained by Adobe, and is released under an MIT License.
Guiding Ideas
Brackets is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. If you can code in Brackets, you can code on Brackets.
Brackets, is a fully open-source, community-driven project. Want to influence its direction? Join the developer list and start contributing.
Rather than clutter your workspace with floating panels, toolbars and icons, Brackets focuses on providing “Quick Edit” in-line views that provide context-sensitive access to your content, without taking you away from your code.
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Best of all its Maintained by Adobe and it is free and developers can contribute to the build it they so wish :)

System Requirements


Multicore Intel processor
Mac OSX v10.6, v10.7 or v10.8
256MB of RAM (2GB of RAM recommended for Live Development)
200MB of available hard-disk space for installation
1280x800 display with 16-bit video card


Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD Athlon® 64 processor
Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8
256MB of RAM (2GB of RAM recommended for Live Development)
200MB of available hard-disk space for installation
1280x800 display with 16-bit video card

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