Code: Select all
$message = $message . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_INDEX'], '<a href="' . append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}index.$phpEx") . '">', '</a>');
Code: Select all
$auth->login($data['username'], $data['new_password']);
$message = $message . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_INDEX'], '<a href="")>', '</a>');
Code: Select all
$message = $message . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_INDEX'], '<a href="' . append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}index.$phpEx") . '">', '</a>');
Code: Select all
$auth->login($data['username'], $data['new_password']);
Code: Select all
$auth->login($data['username'], $data['new_password']);
$message = $message . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_INDEX'], '<a href="' . append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}index.$phpEx") . '">', '</a>');
Code: Select all
$auth->login($data['username'], $data['new_password']);
$message = $message . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($user->lang['PROCEED'], '<a href="' . append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}index.$phpEx") . '">', '</a>');
Code: Select all
$auth->login($data['username'], $data['new_password']);
$message = $message . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($user->lang['PROCEED'], '<a href="' . append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}index.$phpEx") . '">', '</a>');
Code: Select all
'<a href="' . append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}index.$phpEx") . '">'
Code: Select all
'<a href="">'
Code: Select all
'PRIVATE_MESSAGES' => 'Private messages',
'PRIVATE_MESSAGING' => 'Private messaging',
Code: Select all
'PROCEED' => '%sProceed%s',
Code: Select all
'ACCOUNT_ADDED' => 'Thank you for registering, your account has been created. You may now login with your username and password.',
Code: Select all
'ACCOUNT_ADDED' => 'Congratulations! You are now a member of the sexiest theatre website in Australia. Jump right in and advertise yourself now, or simply post a comment in Theatre Chat. Remember to include lots of photos and YouTube videos of yourself. Above all, be entertaining :)',
"This will automatically log someone in after they register. It will automatically ignore activation."w00t! wrote:What do you mean with "It will automatically ignore activation." I have user activation (by email) enabled, will this work with it? I think, by the sound of it, it won't...
What kind of reply was that?paulnicholson wrote:"This will automatically log someone in after they register. It will automatically ignore activation."w00t! wrote:What do you mean with "It will automatically ignore activation." I have user activation (by email) enabled, will this work with it? I think, by the sound of it, it won't...
You're right, this is REALLY AMBIGUOUS and could mean about fifty different things. What I think it means is that the email based activation system will be ignored, because the moment somebody registers, they will be logged in. If you have an email confirmation system in place, people are already having to spend three hundred seconds going and checking their email from a different program to click the confirmation link, so what's thirty seconds of typing their login details going to matter? Sorry, just being mean. This MOD doesn't seem to accomodate email confirmation security yet.
Code: Select all
$message = $message . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_INDEX'], '<a href="' . append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}index.$phpEx") . '">', '</a>');
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
redirect($redirect_url, false, true);
I had code like this (well, code that did the same thing) in version v1.0.2, sorry, for taking it down, but it had some errors. I'm close to finishing the ACP MODule, then I'll give out the v1.1, which will include what it states on the third post on the first pagepaulnicholson wrote:Guys, you're gonna love me if I'm the first one to discover this!!!!
Auto redirect to avatar gallery page of your choice after registration.
Backup this file: includes/ucp/ucp_register.php
Now edit:
Find:Replace with something similar to this:Code: Select all
$message = $message . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_INDEX'], '<a href="' . append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}index.$phpEx") . '">', '</a>');
This is the MOD from this topic plus it takes my new registered users directly to the avatar gallery. My gallery folder is called '1'. (You need gallery folders for the gallery to work). Just go to the gallery page when you're logged in as admin and then copy the web address (URL). Then paste it into the code like I did after '<a href="Code: Select all
$auth->login($data['username'], $data['new_password']); $message = $message . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_INDEX'], '<a href="")>', '</a>');
Don't worry, they'll be logged in as themselves, not as admin.
Next I'm going to change the Text that appears on first login in the language folder somewhere. I haven't worked out auto redirect yet, people still have to click the link.
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
redirect('', false, true);
Code: Select all
redirect('index.php', false, true);