ReIMG Image Resizer

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Re: ReIMG Image Resizer

Post by DavidIQ »

The one on my site has not been updated to the one that's currently in the MODDB (hence the RC4 status there). I'll update it shortly though. Thanks for reminding me :)
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Re: ReIMG Image Resizer

Post by Sailsfast »

Where is the APC page located???

Not finding it under attachments.

Seemed to install with Automod but doesn't seem to be working ...

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Re: ReIMG Image Resizer

Post by DavidIQ »

It's under post settings. This is stated in the Author Notes section in the MODX. ;)
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Re: ReIMG Image Resizer

Post by Sailsfast »

Seems like a good place for it.

BUT, it isn't there. I was going nuts trying to find it.

Installed using Automod...

But no sign of a working installation.

Uninstalled without errors as well.

Hm... Now for some testing
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Re: ReIMG Image Resizer

Post by DavidIQ »

So you went to ACP and clicked on Post Settings and scrolled down to the bottom of that screen and it wasn't there? Might want to purge your cache.
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Re: ReIMG Image Resizer

Post by Sailsfast »

Yep... Did that straight away.

Am going to roll back my test server and try it again from scratch.
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Re: ReIMG Image Resizer

Post by Sailsfast »

Ok ... So here is the deal.

There is either a bug with AutoMOD or in your install file.

It seems that only the subsilver instructions are being followed!!!
Either that or the primary stuff is being done but not logged. I dont think so though since there isn't any sign of the Mod under prosilver. :?
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Re: ReIMG Image Resizer

Post by YeeP »

I think I made a mistake, although the line this error calls to is no where near the modifications to this file.

The file is acp_board.php

Error happens when I go to "post settings" screen in the acp.


Code: Select all

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in ...includes/acp/acp_board.php on line 835
Line of code referred to:

Code: Select all

						'load_user_activity'	=> array('lang' => 'LOAD_USER_ACTIVITY',	'validate' => 'bool',	'type' => 'radio:yes_no', 'explain' => true),
Any thoughts?

Thanks for any help.

EDIT: The mod is working great on the site. No clue why I am getting this error. As you remember I had versions 0.10 and 0.11. Started over from scratch with this one. The only thing I did not add was the fields to the database, because I already had them. I checked to make sure each field had the correct name based on the sql code in the install file. All looked good. Of course, my values where different because I already had it installed, but the ones given in the install are just defaults.
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Re: ReIMG Image Resizer

Post by mk264 »

Thanks for the great mod. It's working well except that I cannot get the images to appear in the top corner of the original and resized images. Instead a green and read square are appearing as in the image below.

I've checked and double checked the installation instructions and that all files have been uploaded. Any ideas?

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Re: ReIMG Image Resizer

Post by Tazmanian »

Yes, you have to refresh the Imagesets for each template.
ACP -> Styles -> Imagesets -> Refresh
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Re: ReIMG Image Resizer

Post by spaceace »

i was finally able to download the file from here to find out that i already had the same version :lol:

now, something that i'm trying to figure out. when using this mod with Handyman's chat mod, when images are posted in chat, they are getting re sized fine, but the zoom button is showing in the forum where the image would be if you scrolled down to it. would it be something with this mod trying to give the zoom button some type of static position, or is it the chat mod?

BTW, it's a great mod and it does work perfectly in posts :D

almost forgot, i don't know if it has anything to do with it, but i did add the css part from the install instructions

Code: Select all

.reimg { width: 10%; height: auto; visibility: visible; }
here's what i mean
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Re: ReIMG Image Resizer

Post by DavidIQ »

YeeP wrote:Error:

Code: Select all

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in ...includes/acp/acp_board.php on line 835
Line of code referred to:

Code: Select all

						'load_user_activity'	=> array('lang' => 'LOAD_USER_ACTIVITY',	'validate' => 'bool',	'type' => 'radio:yes_no', 'explain' => true),
Any thoughts?
Need a little more code than that. Try posting the whole file.
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Re: ReIMG Image Resizer

Post by DavidIQ »

spaceace wrote:now, something that i'm trying to figure out. when using this mod with Handyman's chat mod, when images are posted in chat, they are getting re sized fine, but the zoom button is showing in the forum where the image would be if you scrolled down to it. would it be something with this mod trying to give the zoom button some type of static position, or is it the chat mod? got me there. I'm assuming that the images created by this MOD put the image statically on the top left of the image while Handyman's chat MOD has a scrolling window... :? The zoom in and out images are rendered through javascript so you'd have to check there and see if that's the case.
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Re: ReIMG Image Resizer

Post by milkboy31 »

GREAT mod my friend. I've used multiple image resize mods on phpBB2 in the past and ended up removing them all for various reasons. Usually image resize mods SLOW DOWN the load times of pages a TON. This mod uses the end user's browser/javascript to scale the file down instead, preserving page load times.

On top of that, the images appear resized at first and aren't super large and then rescaled once loaded, so the page's layout never breaks.

Well done sir! The addition of the lightbox large views is golden too!

The only insight I can give to potential users, is that there IS still a slight slow-down / choppiness when scrolling past LARGE images that have been scaled. But the moment they are off your screen, the speed is back up to normal. In other words, if you have a scale size of 600px wide, and a user uploads a 3,000px wide image, it will show up as 600px easily. But if you are scrolling down the page at a steady rate, you will see it get choppy as it scrolls past the resized image. Once past it, the speed returns to normal.

Honestly, that's a SMALL price to pay for such a great mod. It re-scales EVERYTHING you throw at it too. Attached images used inline, external images linked through the IMG bbCode, and even signature images (if you enable that in the ACP options page). Not sure if it touches avatars, but really... who has avatars that large??? :lol:

Once again, great job David! Finally an image resizer done right!
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Re: ReIMG Image Resizer

Post by mau64 »

Does not work with mod phpbb gallery 1 0 1. I take URL and they do not work

Code: Select all


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