If you want to translate the English language file I'd be more than happy to include themTazmanian wrote:Does anyone have the Dutch and French language files?
Code: Select all
'img' => '<img src="$1" alt="' . $user->lang['IMAGE'] . '" />',
Code: Select all
' . reimg_properties() . '
Well first off you've placed the reimg_properties function call above to be before the quote...it should go after otherwise you're breaking the alt tag and this likely won't render out the image correctly either. Second of all the adding of the function to functions.php was not done correctly. You'll need to review where exactly you put it. If you put it before some other bracket (}) then that would be the problem.IsolatedPurity wrote:Having a odd problem:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function reimg_properties() in /home/platoonc/public_html/forums/includes/bbcode.php on line 421
'img' => '<img src="$1" alt="' . $user->lang['IMAGE'] . ' ' . reimg_properties() . '"/>',
is the line.
I'm sorry but I really don't understand what you mean by this, So it should be?DavidIQ wrote:Well first off you've placed the reimg_properties function call above to be before the quote...it should go after otherwise you're breaking the alt tag and this likely won't render out the image correctly either.IsolatedPurity wrote:Having a odd problem:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function reimg_properties() in /home/platoonc/public_html/forums/includes/bbcode.php on line 421
'img' => '<img src="$1" alt="' . $user->lang['IMAGE'] . ' ' . reimg_properties() . '"/>',
is the line.
Code: Select all
<!-- IF S_REIMG_ZOOM -->
var reimg_zoomImg = "{T_IMAGES_PATH}spacer.gif";
var reimg_zoomStyle = "<!-- IF REIMG_ZOOM_IN_IMG_SRC --><!-- IF REIMG_ZOOM_IN_IMG_WIDTH -->width: {REIMG_ZOOM_IN_IMG_WIDTH}px; <!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF REIMG_ZOOM_IN_IMG_HEIGHT -->height: {REIMG_ZOOM_IN_IMG_HEIGHT}px; <!-- ENDIF -->background: url({REIMG_ZOOM_IN_IMG_SRC}) top left no-repeat; <!-- ELSE -->width: 20px; height: 20px; background: green; <!-- ENDIF -->filter: Alpha(Opacity=90); opacity: .90;";
var reimg_zoomHover = "background-position: 0 100%; cursor: pointer; filter: Alpha(Opacity=100); opacity: 1.00;";
var reimg_zoomAlt = "{L_REIMG_ZOOM_IN}";
var reimg_zoomTarget = "{S_REIMG_ZOOM}";
<!-- ENDIF -->
Ok here you go. Thanks!DavidIQ wrote:Need a little more code than that. Try posting the whole file.YeeP wrote:Error:Line of code referred to:Code: Select all
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in ...includes/acp/acp_board.php on line 835
Any thoughts?Code: Select all
'load_user_activity' => array('lang' => 'LOAD_USER_ACTIVITY', 'validate' => 'bool', 'type' => 'radio:yes_no', 'explain' => true),
Have you refreshed your imageset?IsolatedPurity wrote:I was able to remove that error but instead of the zoom button I get a green square in the top left corner of the picture and when i click it it just takes you to the actual image page and I do have lightbox set as my setting.
I suggest you start over with a clean copy of acp_board.php. The one you've posted, if it's the one you're getting the error with, is all sorts of screwy. Use Notepad++ instead of regular notepad or whatever it is you're using to edit the files.YeeP wrote:Ok here you go.
Thanks ^^, so how do I make the lightbox thing work?DavidIQ wrote:Have you refreshed your imageset?IsolatedPurity wrote:I was able to remove that error but instead of the zoom button I get a green square in the top left corner of the picture and when i click it it just takes you to the actual image page and I do have lightbox set as my setting.