sorry , i'm new to phpbbD¡cky wrote:You either don't have any posts in the phpbb_posts table or there is a post that does not have a post time.Persia1 wrote:Hello
i've problem in converting my vb to phpbb3
in step 3 ,i got this error
Using phpMyAdmin, look in the phpBB database at the phpbb_posts table. Is it populated? If not, that is the problem. If it is populated, run the following query:Persia1 wrote:what should i do exactly?
Code: Select all
SELECT post_time FROM phpbb_posts ORDER BY post_id LIMIT 1
thanks for directions, i'll try itD¡cky wrote:Using phpMyAdmin, look in the phpBB database at the phpbb_posts table. Is it populated? If not, that is the problem. If it is populated, run the following query:Persia1 wrote:what should i do exactly?If phpbb_ is not your table prefix, replace with your table prefix.Code: Select all
SELECT post_time FROM phpbb_posts ORDER BY post_id LIMIT 1
A resulting post time should be displayed.
Executing SQL Queries in phpMyAdmin
If it is just a few topics, I would edit the first post in the topic to correct the title.HATANO wrote:I am sorry!
while I have to modify the file, in accordance with the teaching!
but the title is not input text contains single quotes, if the input becomes blank, ask how to solve it?
Code: Select all
UPDATE phpbb_topics t SET topic_title=(SELECT title FROM thread p WHERE p.threadid=t.topic_id GROUP BY topic_id)
Code: Select all
General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]
Unknown column 'userfield.field2' in 'field list' [1054]
SELECT user.userid, user.userid AS poster_id, user.usergroupid, user.ipaddress, user.salt, user.joindate, user.username, user.password, user.posts,, user.birthday, user.lastvisit, user.lastactivity, user.timezoneoffset, userfield.field2, userfield.field3, userfield.field4, user.homepage, user.msn,, user.aim, user.icq, user.customtitle, avatar.avatarpath, user.pmunread, user.emailstamp, user.autosubscribe, usertextfield.signature, user.joindate AS post_time FROM ((vb4user user LEFT JOIN vb4userfield AS userfield ON user.userid = userfield.userid) LEFT JOIN vb4usertextfield AS usertextfield on user.userid=usertextfield.userid) LEFT JOIN vb4avatar AS avatar on user.avatarid=avatar.avatarid WHERE (user.userid <> -1) ORDER BY user.userid LIMIT 2000
FILE: (not given by php)
LINE: (not given by php)
CALL: msg_handler()
FILE: [ROOT]/includes/db/dbal.php
LINE: 757
CALL: trigger_error()
FILE: [ROOT]/includes/db/mysql.php
LINE: 175
CALL: dbal->sql_error()
FILE: [ROOT]/includes/db/mysql.php
LINE: 222
CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_query()
FILE: [ROOT]/includes/db/dbal.php
LINE: 170
CALL: dbal_mysql->_sql_query_limit()
FILE: [ROOT]/install/install_convert.php
LINE: 1233
CALL: dbal->sql_query_limit()
FILE: [ROOT]/install/install_convert.php
LINE: 203
CALL: install_convert->convert_data()
FILE: [ROOT]/install/index.php
LINE: 326
CALL: install_convert->main()
FILE: [ROOT]/install/index.php
LINE: 203
CALL: module->load()
In vBulletin, userfields can be changed. Many boards use 'userfield.field2' for a member's location, but if you no longer have the field, it can be removed from the convertor.cerberos wrote:Hello, is that possible with Vb4 as well?
I tried to run it but i have an error i cant really understand what's the problem. My old forum is vbulletin 4.1.1
The error i face:
Hope someone can help!Code: Select all
General Error SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ] Unknown column 'userfield.field2' in 'field list' [1054]
Code: Select all
array('user_from', 'userfield.field2', array('function1' => 'vb_set_encoding')),
Code: Select all
// array('user_from', 'userfield.field2', array('function1' => 'vb_set_encoding')),