Thank you for your reply, but i don't understand what i'm doing wrong.
I copied converter to phphbb forum, i'v installed phpbb, i'am trying to start converter, i'm entering the information about vbulletin, all checks sucsess, but when i press 'continue conversion' nothing happend. Browser says wait for response and that's all, no file coping, no changes in the database, nothing happend.
When i reopen conversion's pages it says 'A previous conversion attempt has been determined. You are now able to choose between starting a new conversion or continuing the conversion.'
I read manual many times, and i stuck on the 8 point.
Pages will be displayed informing you of the convertor progress
Converter doesn't show me progress status.
One more thing.
As i can see in databases, converter transfer some forums, but not all.
I have 9 forums, converter transfer only 5. And that's all.