Many many thanks from myself and all our users. It didn't turn out to be that hard in the end.
One thing that did trip me up momentarily is that the member, topics, categories script threw an error on forums that had more than 1 page of topics and also on topics that had more than 1 page of posts.
eg -
Topic ID 321
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\RW\Downloads\Crawler Converters\Converters\phpBB3\", line 494, in <module>
IndexError: list index out of range
I sidestepped this problem by setting the max number of topics and posts displayed per page to 500 in the ACP.
After that the only problem was that my "admin" status did not come across. I edited this in the MySQL database on the server and I was back in business.
I am presuming that the "" routine send the pms out using the old site?
I will have to pick a moment when it is up!