Try the attached convertor files.Wojciech P wrote:I write, all files from mybb are copied to images/avatars/gallery
Try the attached convertor files.Wojciech P wrote:I write, all files from mybb are copied to images/avatars/gallery
Yes, it will. Use the mybb_002b.zipMokeli AJ wrote:Will this work for mybb 1.6?
I have the same problem as lukasamd, it keeps on the same screen and keeps loading. It's stuck on the screen with:D¡cky wrote:The first step checks for colliding usernames which doesn't display anything until after it is done. I assume that you have less than 18000 members which shouldn't take 25 minutes to do, but it could take 10 minutes or more. The convertor does create a userconv table to temporarily store the usernames. You can check that table to see if it is being populated. I cannot say if the problem is with your MyBB database or with the function itself. I don't have a board of any size to test on.lukasamd wrote:I done all steps, and convert was started.D¡cky wrote:What do you mean by "freeeze?"
What step are you at?
Do you get a blank screen or an error message?
I was waiting, waiting, waiting and waiting... about 25 minutes.
Page was still loading, but there wasn't any error (I have correct error_reporting) and I didn't get a blank page.
When I closed browser with running converter and opened the phpbb3 forum, there weren't any posts, topics or users. All looks like before attempt.
Try the following and see if it helps.
Open phpbb3/install/install_convert.php
Find:After add:Code: Select all
<?php /** * * @package install * @version $Id: install_convert.php 9936 2009-08-07 12:50:25Z bantu $ * @copyright (c) 2006 phpBB Group * @license GNU Public License * */ /** */
Code: Select all
@set_time_limit(0); @ini_set('memory_limit', '256M'); @ini_set('upload_max_filesize', '128M'); @ini_set('post_max_size', '256M'); @ini_set('max_input_time', '-1'); @ini_set('max_execution_time', '-1'); @ini_set('expect.timeout', '-1'); @ini_set('default_socket_timeout', '-1');
It's loading for 20-30 minutes or something. My board has less than 100 users. The user, posts, topics tables and userconv table are all empty.All pre-conversion steps have successfully been completed. You may now begin the actual conversion process. Please note that you may have to manually do and adjust several things. After conversion, especially check the permissions assigned, rebuild your search index which is not converted and also make sure files got copied correctly, for example avatars and smilies. CONTINUE CONVERSION
My mybb forum is in the root, and the phpbb forum is in "root/new"Directory Tree: root /public_html /new /images /avatars /gallery /new /images /avatars /gallery /new /images /avatars /gallery /new /images /avatars /gallery
Code: Select all
Fatal error: Call to undefined function mybb_add_default_ranks() in /home/*/*/*/public_html/new/install/install_convert.php(1082) : eval()'d code on line 1
and the phpBB3 installation is located at
, then the correct value would be ../forum
. Note that the webserver user must be able to access the source installation's files. In other words, the MyBB files must be on the same server and under the same domain name as the phpBB installation.