German 'SIE' pack buttons not showing, 3.0.5

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German 'SIE' pack buttons not showing, 3.0.5

Post by Enkida »

Hey all,

I downloaded and installed the German language SIE pack for phpBB (3.0.5 version) for the board, the prosilver and subsilver styles. I double-checked in the graphic editor to make sure the german graphic buttons were included and being used, and according to the ACP they are. However when I set the board language to German instead of English, the german-language graphics disappear.

What am I doing wrong?

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Re: German 'SIE' pack buttons not showing, 3.0.5

Post by D¡cky »

If you are using a style other than prosilver or subsilver2, the images need to be uploaded to those styles as well.
One thing to check is that the images included in the language pack have the same extension as the images included with your style. Some styles use png images, not gif images which is what is included in the language pack.
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