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So I have this problem. I want to translate my forum myself - even though there already IS a translation for Estonian. Been trying to find a way to translate it anyway, but it's been hopeless. Would someone know a solution? And from English, of course.
Thanks a bunch,
People, who think they know everything, annoy us, who we really know.
if you really want to make your own translation, follow these steps:
Copy the English translation language/en/ to language/et/ (or another folder of your choice)
Edit the iso.txt file in the new directory and specify the details
To translate the board, you have to go through all the text in all the .php and .txt files in the language/et/ directory. It's quite a lot of text, as you will see. Be careful to translate the files in an editor that supports utf-8 and does not add a BOM to files. I can recommend Notepad++ or PSPad for Windows.
May I ask for the reason why you are making another translation? Is there any issue with the original one?
So, now I have my forum and I have my translation also. But it remains unclear - how on Earth can I put this translation I made into the forum?
I have this text there: Here you are able to install/remove language packs.
But.. I kinda cannot, 'cause there are a lot of languages and in the last column there are "Download" and "Delete". So wth?
Thankies, Lara.
People, who think they know everything, annoy us, who we really know.
LaraS, you can install and use your language pack by uploading it into your /language directory in phpBB root path. Then, access:
ACP >> System >> Language packs
There you can install or remove language packs you have installed into the board. Install your pack, and then, if you want that yours would be the default language pack, go to the ACP Overview screen, and click on your left side on "Board configuration". After that, don't forget to change the language of your own profile from UCP >> Preferences.
Good luck.
Andre Távora • International Support Teams Suporte phpBB - International phpBB Brazilian Support Team
And one question - in the English one, all the words (opened in Notepad) are so... stuck on each other, while in Estonian translation they are grouped beautifully.
That's the beautiful one. I can see what I want to translate. Isn't there an English translation looking like that? :/
People, who think they know everything, annoy us, who we really know.
Never ever use Notepad for editing Try Notepad++ or PSPad and tell me if the problem persists. There are also other issues with Notepad..with file encoding for example.
I changed the Estonian version a bit, set Estonian for the default language. Got this message: Language file ./language/et/common.php couldn't be opened.
Help? *scared*
EDIT: HUH! Changed! *wipes the fear off her face*
People, who think they know everything, annoy us, who we really know.
LaraS, you got that error message because your common.php language file isn't be found by the script. Probably your ISO code isn't set according to the values in your database. Take a look at your common.php language file, and see if the variable 'USER_LANG' is filled within the same name of your language directory, and the values set in your database.
To check if the informations on your db are correct, like set in your file, you have to enter in your database, then in the table phpbb_config. Inside the table, search for the column default_lang and change its value according to your path and language file informations. Later, back to the tables overview in your db, and enter the table phpbb_lang, opening then the columns lang_iso and lang_dir, changing their values according to your path and language file informations. If needed, purge your cache after all.
Warning: If you don't know very well how to hold changes in your database, please, make a backup of your db before proceeding. If anything goes wrong, you can restore your data later. Good luck.
Andre Távora • International Support Teams Suporte phpBB - International phpBB Brazilian Support Team