New alternate french spelling translation

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Re: New alternate french spelling translation

Post by Jester-fr »

I will answer you by MP, because :
ameeck wrote:Jester-fr: If you are aware that posting in another language than English is not allowed here, please do not do so. You have an option to contact the user by e-mail or PM privately.
The French answer was in fact to demonstrate everyone the stupidity of making this "pack" a French langage pack, and it's not french langage. Nothing else.

So... I will close my mouth...

Last edited by Jester-fr on Fri Nov 27, 2009 6:46 pm, edited 1 time in total., the phpBB French Support Community since 2000 !
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Re: New alternate french spelling translation

Post by ameeck »

Jester-fr: If you are aware that posting in another language than English is not allowed here, please do not do so. You have an option to contact the user by e-mail or PM privately.
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Re: New alternate french spelling translation

Post by Louis Gugenheim »

This is my 5th message posted so I guess I could reply to a mail...
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Re: New alternate french spelling translation

Post by Qiaeru »

I'll try to explain what's wrong here.

Jester is right, the "Fransè Altèrnatif" is unofficial because it is a reform supported by a minority of people and it has always been denied by our language organizations. The vast majority do not even know this "language". They want their alternative spelling, based on French phonetics, be adopted because they think the French illogical and difficult. And I found this alternative spelling ridiculous, yeah.

BUT I think if some people want to translate their board in this "language", they have the right to do so. We are a OpenSource community, do not forget that! If the translation is done seriously, and it seems to be, I do not see why it should not be here.

In conclusion, I think very few people will use that "language" because it is unknown and it goes against what makes the French language. The language will be rarely used, yes. The language is a abberation to the French, yes. Is this a reason to remove it here? I do not think so, no.

I congratulate the author for having made this translation, it's a very good job. Our ideologies should not influence us on the quality of a product ;) .
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Re: New alternate french spelling translation

Post by Jester-fr »

Xaphos wrote:The language is a abberation to the French, yes. Is this a reason to remove it here? I do not think so, no.
I agree with you. If validated this "language", no problems. But in this case, this "language" can't be in French section...
Perhaps in a 'alternative language' section, or 'extras' language. Maybe ?, the phpBB French Support Community since 2000 !
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Re: New alternate french spelling translation

Post by Qiaeru »

It's texting language but written in language of Molière, so yeah... it's (unfortunately) French ;) .

Louis Gugenheim, according to the GNU General Public License 2.0, please update your language pack, you can freely change and distribute my language pack, but you have no right to remove the original copyrights. You're violating the license. Please rectify that, thanks.
I want to get credit for my work. I want people to know what I wrote. Can I still get credit if I use the GPL?
You can certainly get credit for the work. Part of releasing a program under the GPL is writing a copyright notice in your own name (assuming you are the copyright holder). The GPL requires all copies to carry an appropriate copyright notice.

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Re: New alternate french spelling translation

Post by Aurelienazerty »

It's seems that this language as disappeared :?
Is there any way to found it ?

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Re: New alternate french spelling translation

Post by Qiaeru »

Nope, this language pack was abandonned and not updated for a while :) .
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Re: New alternate french spelling translation

Post by Aurelienazerty »

Dommage, c'était assez marrant.
Je me suis permis de répondre en Français, vu que vous l'êtes également.

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