One language per forum

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One language per forum

Post by matthewlam »

Hi all,

I had downloaded and tested phpbb3.05 in my web server a few days ago,
and it worked fine.

In my test phpBB forum, I have created three forums named A, B, and C respectively.
The default language is English, and I have also installed Chinese and Japanese.

Yesterday I was trying to use English attribute in forum A, and
Chinese and Japanese attributes in forums B and C respectively, but of no luck doing so.

I am not sure if I have missed out some important steps.
Could you help me please?

Thank you.

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Erik Frèrejean
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Re: One language per forum

Post by Erik Frèrejean »

Its not possible to set languages on a forum basis. You'll need a modification to achieve this, have a look in the MODDB and MOD in development forum, there might already be something like this released/under development. If not you can post a MOD request.
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