eotpgaming wrote:Hi,
I have just installed your MOD on my forums which is running and the SE_Pro template but it isn't showing any icons. they have been uploaded and I have double checked the code/instructions.
Any ideas how to show the icons??
I use it just on my site, so you can check it in one of it's topics, ie: http://www.online-hry-help.sk/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2. Cooper_si's image shows that...Jorup16 wrote:Demo link?
Sorry, there are no subsilver instructions. Subsilver is solved quite strange for me and I really don't know where I would add it... Maybe where link to version for prit is.Tazmanian wrote:...instructions for Subsilver?
Code: Select all
'SHARE_FB' => 'Compartir en Facebook',
'SHARE_TWITTER' => 'Compartir en Twitter',
'SHARE_DELICIOUS' => 'Compartir en Delicious',