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All new MODs released in our MOD Database will be announced in here. All support for released MODs needs to take place in the Customisations Database.
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NOTICE: This forum is only for the announcement of new releases and/or updates of MODs. Any MOD support should be obtained through the Customisations Database in the support area designated for each MOD.

A direct link to support for each MOD is in the first post of the respective topic.
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Re: Share Topic

Post by mnp13 »

Graphics are up! Woo Hoo!

My forum has a facebook page, and I'd REALLY like the following to happen:

When someone clicks on the facebook link - not only does it put the link on their page, but can it also post to the forum's page and put a post that says "Michelle just posted about topic XYZ on her facebook page" or something like that? So that it does it in two places? Is that possible?

It could link to the thread (more likely) or the person (but it's not a guarantee that that person is a fan of the page just because they are a forum member)

That would be a HUGE bonus. We made the facebook page to help drive traffic to the forum, and this would definitely do it!!!

Is there any way to post to the group directly?
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Re: Share Topic

Post by mnp13 »

Here they are if anyone would like to use them, they are about 18 tall, so are approtriate sized to match up with the little icons in the header to go next to print, email, change size, etc
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Re: Share Topic

Post by Senky »

Crashtester only shows up in Facebook as <mywebsite> • Login. Any ideas what mighht be worng? Thanks...
The problem is that you have not set permissions up to see page by bots.
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Re: Share Topic

Post by Crashtester »

Ah, OK, thanks. how should I set this up, can anyone give some guidance on that?

I looked at these the other day but not sure I got what I was supposed to do. Do I have to go into each forum and give bots full access? or read only?

Edit: Ive just gone in and set all forums to have Bot Access but I still get the same thing.
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Name: Paul Sohier

Re: Share Topic

Post by Paul »

MOD Updated to version 2.0.0
See first post for Download Link

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