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Icons are still not showing on my home computer. Things I have tried:
Purged browser cache completely
Tried Windows 7 Compatibility View
Tried navigating directly to the URL of the Facebook icon, it does display that way
My computer has an option to display images with less quality for faster load times, I clicked "Refresh page with full quality"
Took an icon that does display properly (the register icon) and renamed it icon_twitter and uploaded it in place of the original, no change, it didn't display either
What I see (see previous screenshot) seems to be the alt text wording where icons should appear, it shows in bold font like "Board index". You can click the words, they do take you to the log in screen for the social network, they just aren't images.
Why do the icons display on one computer but not the other? Will some users see no images?
I do not know what kind of browser do you use, but I can almost in 100% assure you, that to the other users are icons showed properly. If icons are shown when directly displaying it, there is no problem with MOD, but probably with your browser. Did you try to display it on the other browsers in your computer?
The icons do not display on my new computer with IE8 and Windows 7 and I have deleted all temporary files etc. many times to clean the cache. It is not an IE8 problem because my old computer has IE8 and XP and the icons display fine. I have not tried it on a different browser because I only have IE8 installed on the new computer. I agree it must be something about my new computer so that is not your problem.
The same problem as for looots of users - you have BOM in viewtopic.php. Did you use notepad to do edits? I recommend to use PSPad, with BOM marks unchecked in Options...
You can find lots of tutorials how to remove BOM on the internet.
(btw. I am also doing MOD to remove BOM from all files, but it is just in beginning...)
It displays in Viewtopic Only, The Links work for Facebook, and the others i assume they work...
Thank you very much, I like that program much better than notepad.
Now I got rid of the top errors above the header, but the wording in the icons are the same (right side of before mentioned pic). What could that problem be?
Images are still not showing on my computer. Went to Internet Options > Browsing History > Settings > View Files and viewed what was in cache. There were 46 items still in the browser cache after I had deleted everything with the Delete button multiple times...including a css file. I deleted all those files manually, checked again to be sure they were gone, refreshed template, theme, and imageset again, purged the cache from the General tab again, and icons still don't show. I looked in the phpbb cache with ftp, none of the files edited in the mod are there. I'm out of ideas how to make the icons show on my computer.
Oh, for heaven's sake. Now all of a sudden they show. Why???
The stuff I was doing was unrelated to the mod. I uploaded some test smilies and displayed them in a test post, then I deleted some of the smilies from the folder and from the smilies admin screen, only they were still showing in the test post even when I refreshed the page so I purged the cache like I've already done 99 times and after that I noticed the Facebook and Twitter icons were showing for the first time.
I'm so glad to finally have this mod looking right on my own computer!